Holidays and recession

Recession proof your hols and buy a cheap caravan - thats what we did. Just over 3k, good nick, plenty of years in her. Love camping but her indoors wouldnt go for it that much - or at least not with kids.

Bringing it abroad at end of this week, total cost of hol (before fuel & food etc. - & lets face it we were planning on eating even if we never went) is about €750 for 2 adults & 2 kids.

Ok its a bit of a dollop in 1 year but if we even go abroad once more with it we'll have pretty much saved the price of it as compared to flying, car hire & hiring a mobile home which we did last year. Plus you have Irish hols for buttons & a weekend "home" if you have appropriately situate parents or in laws you can leave it with.

While obviously not wanting to encourage anyone into debt they cant handle, I've kind of been in the mode of "make a few capital purchases while things are cheap & I can afford it, tomorrow might bring a set back but you'll have the spending done so can batten down the hatches". Not too bad financially at the minute (always a "worrier" so never splashed it) &maybe thats why that policy kinda makes sense to me but I'm not sure its very widely applicable.

There are still plenty of people who have only been affected by the budget measures on their pay packet and haven't taken a pay cut and are in fairly stable sectors . Also with interest rates down many people are in the same if not a better position so they are carrying on as normal. Everyone has worries but life has to go on and if you can afford it why wouldnt you go away.
My take home pay has certainly come down over the past months. There are things that I have cut back on such as hairdressing, clothes, nights out and there will be more should things continue as they are. However, I will be having another last minute cheap holiday probably next month. Couldn't do without it!
Same here. Have to think twice aboout any expenditure now but fingers crossed will still manage a holiday before the year is out.
Sorry? I was responding to Extopia's comment that 'even people on the dole' go on holiday within their means.

Sorry, what i meant was that it says a lot, the fact that people on the dole can go on holidays to Spain.
Seems like holidays are the last bastion then, even if it means sacrificing new clothes, some nights out, the odd treat here and there.

Just seems strange, after hearing so much screaming over the past months about 'sharing the pain', 'how dare they levy the public sector', 'do people in the public sector not realise that we're all losing our jobs out here' etc etc, to now hear everyone say 'right, I'm off on my holliers. See ya.' Nice to see life going on, I suppose.
Considering the weather that this country has had to suffer over many years, it's probably for health reasons as much as any that a lot go away. We've had some beautiful sunshine over the last week and long may it last, so even non sun worshipers should be able to recognize the health benefits of the sun.
Everyone has been in a good mood of late, being able to shed their coat and brolly.
We can't count on the weather here so to be honest I won't judge anyone if they pack up and head off to the sun for some family time for a week. In many respects if it means you spend time together as a family, chilling out...........those that play together, stay together and all that