Holidays and bring back "presents"


Registered User
Ok Im just going to have a rant here to get this of my chest. Im in a position that me and himself can go away a few times a year..Himself smokes as does his dad.

Say we go anywhere you can get duty free cigs and booze everyone is like oh bring me this bring me that...well this morning I had my sister in law on the phone will you bring me back 400cigs from lanzarote il give you the money no problem.

I said I'l bring you back 200 if I can fit them in my case..if ive space.

She said oh shir you dont smoke or have you taking it up...I said no but himself will want to bring back some to keep him going and some for his dad etc.

She go real tick and said oh just forget about it and hung up!

Im not been mean but im sick of bringing back stuff for people on holidays..we go for the sun, sea,sand,and a break not worrying i better get so and so something.

If any of our friends/familly go on holiday we get crap all back. Not that I care. I would not expect anything. What with the weight restrictions gone very strict on everything its to much hassle.

Phew glad I got that off my chest
Well first of all, if she was going to pay you for them it wouldn't have been a present, second of all if you buy them in the airport after check-in, it doesn't go against your baggage allowance and thirdly, cigarettes are very light anyway.
I know how you feel. returning from the USA recently I had to fill my suitcase with abercrombie and fitch and UGG boots to keep the females in my family happy ....

I never can resist toblerones and the odd bottle of whiskey for myself though

Thought I was the only one that bothered. It absolutely drives me nuts. Duty free limit is only 200 to begin with and people just dont think that u might want to bring some back for yourself or as you said have the space in your bag.
I went to NY one year and was asked by an old school mate to bring back clothes for her kid. Also the order was for for a few pairs of jeans , a few tops and maybe some underrwear all for the sum of 30 euro, now I know NY is cheap but I am not a a flippin magician.

if its not duty free and the likes its presents as well that people thne usually turn their nose up at.
gonk..yeah but you can only bring back so many fags, so if i bring her back 400 that means we get to bring back less for ourselfs.

I know she was paying for them but I just mean presents in general, its not about the money shir 200cigs is only 17euro over there.

There light but they take up space and I hate carrying around bags at the airport when I want to relax and why would I pay more for them in the airport when there cheaper on the island.

I hear what your saying though

And sign..yes I cant resist a bottle of vodka 9€ what a bargain. not to gone on toblerones though
yes i get sick of the smokers ringing so I make up "friends" whom i am getting them for so am over my quote, end of story no discussion. If they are that badly off then they can stock up themselves or give up. for older people who are smoking all their lives i might make an exception.