Holidaying in Oz-best way to handle money

Madra Rua

Registered User
Morning all,

My mum is travellin to Oz for 6 weeks in March to visit my sister and to do some travelling around the country whilst she is there. She will also do a couple of nights in Dubai on her way home.

What is the best way for her to bring her money? Should she pre-load her credit card and transfer from her current account when necessary or whats best?

Thanks for your assistance

Madra Rua
The problem with pre-loading the credit card is that if it's stolen then the amount pre-loaded is not protected and is in essence lost.

I'd just use my laser/visa debit card the whole time, and credit card for larger purchases (depending on how long you want to pay off).

Bring lots of money, Oz is seriously expensive nowadays.
What i do for travel is bring some cash then as i need it use intrent net banking if i need to put money on visa otherwise just my visa debit
Visa Debit - works all over Australia/New Zealand without any problems. Have used it on 5 visits there. I'd use the Credit card for online bookings only if possible (there may some occasions where the Visa Debit is not accepted but these are rare nowadays.)