Holiday with a Four Month Old - Recommendations



Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can help me out, due to problems with my pregnancy we couldn't go on our last holiday abroad and now we'd like to head off somwhere with our four month old and 10 year old. Any suggestions on where would be good for these age groups?

4 mth old, do it now before the crawling and toddling stages. If you can go soon, most of the Med is still really nice at this time of the year and not too hot for the snapper. Personally I found portugal very good at a similar stage. Most of the people in Southern Europe actually like children, and make you welcome in the restaurants etc, unlike good auld Ireland, where most places make you feel like a lepper if you arrive in with babies/kids
I would reccomend you stay at home.....with a four month old in tow it wouldn't be much of a holiday in my opinion.
All the stuff you have to cart with you, still sterilising equipment nighmare.....
I would disagree. Go somewhere quiet, pleasant and relatively clean with no extremes of temperature. Steriliser will be a nuisance to bring but no worse than say a musical instrument. Once you resign yourselves to the enforced regime of four-hour feeds, you can have a very nice break.
I'm recently back from a holiday in Menorca, and there were plenty of people there with very young babies. Although you'd want to check its still running, while I was there there was a kids club which catered for the older children for a few hours everyday organising activities for them- while you can relax with your baby. Most of the people with very young babies had them around the kids pool, with umbrellas over them as they slept in their buggies. You will see more on a previous thread- about holidaying with a baby () Where I was, you could hire high chairs, sterilisers, cots, buggies etc so no need to bring them with you.
I have to concur with Vanilla, having been in Menorca as well! I wouldn't have considered taking a baby on holiday before now but having had a fantastic break I have to say that baby C. didn't impinge on our holiday enjoyment whatsoever.
You can't go too far wrong if you pick a well equipped complex that caters for families but with plenty for a 10 year old to do. Menorca is perfect in the summer months but I believe over winter it becomes like a ghost town with wet, windy weather and most places suit down so maybe look towards resorts that have good weather as you don't want to be stuck indoors with baby and an adverturous older child. Maybe Lanzarote or South of Spain? Lanzarote would be my first choice personally.
I went to France in May with two toddlers and while it was advertised as suitable for children to me it wasn't.
I would have gone crazy had I had a small baby with me.
Unless I got a personal reccomendation from someone reliable I wouldn't dream of bringing a four month old baby anywhere.
Just my opinion. To be it wouldn't be a holiday.
Hi all, thanks very much for your kind responses it's much appreciated, I will certainly have a look into them. Bamhan I think you must have read my mail wrong, I didn't ask people's opinions on myself and my husband taking our children away on holidays, this decision is entirely our own and for no-one else to judge, what I asked was for recommendations on where would be suitable to take our children.

Hi Snoops, having actually DONE what you are proposing, may I highly reccommend it? I would choose Lanzarote myself, again having actually DONE it.
It jsut wouldnt be a holiday if i didnt have my kids with me. To my mind, you have to get used to having your kids with you on hols, and you might as well get stuck in early!! My main concern would be the 10yr old, as to be hones, you may as well look after a 4 month old at home or in spain or in timbukto, the baby wont know the difference so long as you are prepared. I would check about the kids clubs, i think falcon do them all year round, althoug i could be mistaken.
Bring your steriliser if you can, bring enough formula for two weeks, bring enough nappies for two days, you can buy them over, bring some ready mad cartons of fomula for delays, emergencies etc, save some for the journey home, you never know! I thinks its a great age to bring an infant, jsut mind the sun, but theyw ill sleep great hopefully,a nd you can chill with a coffe in a bar, with baby fast asleep. How bad coudl it be?????? Best of luck HTH
Yep we did it with a six month baby and three others, aged 4, 9 and 11 years ago. Kid clubs are great for the older children and with any luck, make a few pals and you won't see much of them!! Some restaurants were wonderful!! Some of the waiters would mind baby while we ate - same on the flights - stewards and other passengers helped out. It really was not hassle except on landing when the ears started to pop in all four kids but they soon got over that. Take the holiday and enjoy the break - you deserve it! Talk with a good travel agent who can pick out a resort/complex specially geared to meet your and the kids needs and you will have a better time than sitting here looking at the rain!
We used sterilising bags which we bought in Mothercare (they're also in Boots) and although not as convenient as the electronic version, it was better than having to cart it abroad.

if you can sort out a cot locally, I'd say go for it. We brought our four month old away to Italy for a week and it was the best holiday ever - bar none!
Have been twice this year to Fuerteventura an island off Lanzarote excellent place for children costa caleta 20 mins from airport carralejo 40 mins approx from airport plenty of things to do for 10 year old. Fab water park in centre of carralejo, lovely restaurants, beautiful beaches, zoo etc etc etc
concur with Vanilla, however as Tom points out it is heading to rainy season and as far as I'm aware the kids clubs etc keep going to end of Oct then it's ghost town