Holiday suggestion for my parents


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Hi, my parents are both mid-sixties and I’m looking for somewhere to send them during august, 1-2wks max. I’m going to run the farm whilst they are away and this is the only time they can go. Problem is Europe is hot n busy at that time. Am I better off spending the money on nice hotels in Ireland for them. They don’t want too much hassle. I’d love to send them on a slatterys tour to Soutth Africa but am worried slatterys could be a bit like boot camp, early morning etc. Any suggestions? Budget isn’t too much of an issue!
Re: Holiday suggestion for my parents!!

Slatterys are good, and definitely not too boot-camp! Another good one they run is to the battlefields of France.. if that's the sort of thing they're interested in.
Re: Holiday suggestion for my parents!!

What about north spain - I think Ryan air have recently started direct flights and the weather shouldn't bee too hot..
Re: Holiday suggestion for my parents!!

Try Maderia, very civilised, weather is reasoanbly temperate in comparison to mainland Iberia and Aer Lingus are starting flights there, is a bit hilly however.
I find very useful in any planning
Re: Holiday suggestion for my parents!!

Hi have you checked out fairly similar to slattery's but is an another option,also the golf de sur area of tenerife is a nice relaxing destination if they play golf,or even if not.
Re: Holiday suggestion for my parents!!

Try Maderia, very civilised, weather is reasoanbly temperate in comparison to mainland Iberia and Aer Lingus are starting flights there, is a bit hilly however.
I find very useful in any planning

Are Iberia starting flights to Madeira as well?
Slatterys are fine, but I'm not sure I'd recommend Cape Town / safari in August (do Slatterys even go there in August?) as I think it's still a bit wet and cool then.
what about a coach tour of europe - my mother and father in law went on one and loved it... you get to see all the highlights

what about the lake district in the UK?
cheers folks, plenty of options there! I don't know if my Dad has ever been on a boat in his life (farmer from the midlands!!) so a cruise could be something completely different. Also came across a slatterys tour of moscow and st petersburg, anyone been?
Elderly relations went on cruise of Caribbean and loved it. It's great for thier age. as it's safe and not much chance of running into lager louts. They don't have to do any cooking or cleaning. Entertainment is included and everything is laid on. They meet people their own age and make new friends. And of course they get to see a few different countries as opposed to just flying to one. My relations are now even going over to the states to visit people they met on this cruise and are actually planning their next one. Your parents would love it too.
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