Holiday/Sick leave logging software


Registered User
Hi All,

Does anyone know of a good package to use to log holidays/sick days in an office?

Preferably free!!

I'm sure there are more creative packages out there, but when I managed a team I just tracked it on excel .....List of days & dates down the side, team members names across the top & just marked in S, H, HD (Sick, Holidays & Half Day)....set it up so it would auto tally at the end. Was a good way to spot patterns (those who tended to go sick on Fridays & Mondays).
Ya thats probably the best idea really....I dont suppose you have a template!?
how big or small is the office? is it for yourself or for everyone in there?

Most places Ive worked just use a spreadsheet. Make sure whoevers out mails the keeper of the spreadsheet. Has to be one owner else if anyone can edit its messy.

edit: sorry, crossed with above.

I use Thesaurus Payroll and it has a holiday leave planner facility. If you use payroll software the chances are its included within the package.

No connection just a happy user!!