Holiday on Mortgage payments?


Registered User
I have an apartment which I bought as an investment about 5 years ago. Since then it has been rented out and has covered itself and caused me no issues. However now the tennant has moved out and it has been lying empty for 2 months. I have had to pay the mortgage (e550) in the meantime - but I also had to spend 2k on it to do it up a little.

It's now approaching the third month and its still not let. I was getting e600 a month, there are now 3 others in the same block, for 500-520 per month, and actually look nicer than mine. I've dropped the rent and advertised all over the place, but I'm still worried.

About 3 months ago when I learnt the tennant was moving out, I called the lenders to see if they would give me a break on the payments. They said sure no problem, you can take it for up to 6 months, just come into the branch. However when I got to the branch it was a much more different story. They said I had to prove my financial difficulty and by the sounds of it (my earnings) I would not be eligible as there are way more people in worse situation than me.

My earnings have dipped a lot recently (I work in sales) - all my bills seemed to come at once last month, and spending money doing the place up and having it empty for so long has totally cleared me out.

I want to go back to my lenders; First Active, but I'd like some advice so that I can put my best case across for getting a holiday period. I would appreciate any advice you can give me.
if bank is not agreeing to holiday... why not ask for interest only mortgage for few months and see this repayment is
I want to go back to my lenders; First Active, but I'd like some advice so that I can put my best case across for getting a holiday period. I would appreciate any advice you can give me.

TBH you have to take the rough with the smooth, did you not keep profit from the sucessful 5 Years of rent to cover the bad times?

You now have a depreciating asset that is losing you money. If you have income to cover these losses then the bank should NOT give you a holiday. If you are just worried about having to shell out to cover your "investment", which will have a knock on effect to your current life style ,........then tough.

So in summary you will have to prove you can't pay for it. You will need to prove that you are doing your up most to try and let the property again.