Holiday home Co. Wexford? Courtown, Kilmuckridge, Ballymoney Ballywilliam, Rathnure

  • Thread starter Liverpoolad
  • Start date


Hi All

My first post so please go easy.

I am originally from the North but have been living and working in Liverpool for the last 15 years. Me and Mrs Liverpoolad were over in Wexford for a wedding recently and fell pretty much in love with the place. To the extent that we have flights booked to go back over next week and look at a few properties as holiday homes.

We are looking around the Gorey area somewhere close to a beach. Thinking being that we don't want to be further than an hour from Dun Laoighaire. We have some viewings booked in Ballymoney and Kilmuckridge and Courtown area.

We don't want to rent the place out, if we don't have to, so are not going to stretch the budget too far and are hoping to get something around the €150,000 mark.

Anyone got any views on areas, and whether now is the time to make a purchase in these areas?

Many Thanks
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

I would favour Ballymoney over either Courtown or Kilmuckridge. All have their fair share of (Dublin) gurriers so be careful where you buy. Ballymoney probably has the least, and it's the closest to Dun Laoghaire. I'm sure some will criticise me for saying so but you're looking to invest a significant amount of money...and sadly certain parts of Wexford are the holiday destination of choice for some of the most vile people you're ever likely to meet. You should also consider the downside of tying yourself down to the one location...a first visit to a destination can leave anyone with warm fuzzy feelings. Maybe you should spend more time there before wading in with €150K? Best of luck either way.
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

...and sadly certain parts of Wexford are the holiday destination of choice for some of the most vile people you're ever likely to meet.
Being from Wexford, I can second that.

Courtown is a major holiday destination so the price of properties are much higher there than other places.
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

Hi Liverpoolad,

I would agree with most of what has been said, Courtown, Kilmuckridge and Ballymoney I would stay well clear of. Why not have a look around Enniscorty / New Ross areas, try Ballywilliam, Rathnure, Killanne, Caim Etc. None quite as close to the beach but within driving distance and a much nicer part of Wexford, within 40 min drive from Waterford City, Wexford Town etc and around an hour and a half from Dublin.
There are some real bargains to be had in those areas as the holiday home ppl tend to want to be closer to the sea.

Best of luck with your trip
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

He said they didn't want to be more than 1 hour from Dun Laoghaire. Liverpoolad, you could have a look at Cahore or Ardamine also (literally just past Courtown). I still think you'd be wise to holiday there a few times before investing in a property. I've often visited places and thought "this is the nicest place in the world...I'd love to retire here" but when I go back reality kicks in. It's a shame that Courtown acquired such a bad name. It's such a lovely picturesque little spot. Unfortunately though it's overrun by extras from The Snapper during the summer months.
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

Thanks for all your comments, all very useful and if anything have made me slightly wary of Courtown!

We don't want to have too far a drive on the Irish side once we get off the boat. Whether its an hours drive, or an hour and ten, won't be a deciding factor. But we don't want to have an hour and a half on the Irish side.

We have a viewing in Ardamine and another in Poulshone, as well as the ones I mentioned in Ballymoney and Kilmuckridge.

John - your comment is spot on about having a few trips before we dive in, and I think that is what we'll do over the course of the next 4 - 6 months before taking the plunge. (Unless Mrs Liverpoolad falls in love with one of the places this weekend). But that said surely the time to take advantage of the prices in Ireland is now rather than in 12 months?
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

Ardamine is nice but certain parts are very susceptible to erosion. Many properties have fallen into the sea in Ardamine "borrough" (Wafer's borrough?) so watch out for this.
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

On a type of related question, what taxes should I be aware of that are likely to be intoduced?

I have heard about the €200 per year local tax and something about a new proposed property tax. What exactly is that? And are there any other hidden taxes I need to be aware of (stamp duty apart)?

Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

What the hell is wrong with kilmuckridge,nothing like courtown

It isn't as bad as Courtown but it has more than its fair share of Dublin gurriers during the summer, especially at Morriscastle beach. It's only fair to give the OP a full and frank assessment given the amounts involved.
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

I'm not saying that theres no gurriers there but any sea-side village in wexford gets some of those,i've lived in rosslare for 20 years,which wouldn't be known as your typical sea-side village,but believe me they get more than their fair share of gurriers too. Of course it's a lot of money in this day & age but 99% of the time it's a lovely place to live
Re: Holiday home in Wexford?

Hi Liverpoollad, I live in Ballymoney year round and while it has it's share of tourists in summer it's nothing like courtown/riverchapel etc. The house prices in ballymoney are now and always have been higher than courtown, there are very few short term lets in the area so you don't get the 'down for the weekend on the beer' crowd. Courtown and riverchapel are over-run with drunken teenagers and 'gurriers' during the summer and practical ghost towns in the Winter. Most of the people who come down to Ballymoney for the summer, own houses/mobiles here and have done for years, its the same crowd every year. It's nearly the opposite demographic to the gurriers mentioned above, it's very much the BMW driving set, ie Daddy stays in Dublin slaving away in the office, Mummy brings little Saoirse and Ronan down the second the Gaelscoil in South Dublin breaks up to spend the summer in the country and Daddy boots it down from work on a Friday to spend the weekend playing golf and networking with other Dublin escapees in the local pub.
Don't mean to generalise the tourists but it is a very different place than Courtown, not putting it down as have family who live there but I wouldn't. It's a lot cheaper for a reason.
Suitable Locations in Wexford

Just south of Courtown is a lovely place call Cahore or Old Bawn Beach, near the town of ballygarrett there is some lovely properties available in this location if you are still looking, local estate agents are very helpful, try warren estate in gorey, i found them to be very professional.

Hope this is of some help to you. Contact me by email for specific examples as i dont like posting urls in public forums.

But that said surely the time to take advantage of the prices in Ireland is now rather than in 12 months?

You are safe enough there. No need to rush. There will be lots of holiday homes coming onto the market in the next year, and not that many people with the cash to buy. Irish banks are unlikely to be giving mortgages to buy holiday homes in the current climate.

My guess would be that you will get more of a bargain and be more sure of what you decide if you stick to your plan to visit Wexford plenty of times in the next 6 months and see what comes on the market.