Holiday Flight Home Delayed by 13 hours


Registered User
Our return flight back to Dublin from Gran Canaria was delayed last Sunday by 13 full hours, due to a technical fault with the Futura Airlines plane. Although we were bussed off to a hotel to wait, and given food etc., the delay was a nightmare. We booked with Budget Travel who I contacted today, enquiring about some form of compensation. They said that neither they nor Futura were legally liable, as it was a charter flight (so the EU regulations on travel delays do not apply!). My travel insurance (VHI MultiTrip) only pay €40 for delays of over 12 hours, so I qualify for this paltry sum.

Anyone any thoughts on this?
any thoughts?

What more do you want? you were brought to a hotel, fed and looked after.
Do you expect finacial gain for the situation?
Sorry should have mentioned missed 1 day`s work the next day and had to get a Taxi home at a cost of €105
No offence but you a missed days work but at the same time you didn't go into work so while its not ideal you did get an extra day holiday. Taxi fare was a bit steep so I presume you got in very early morning. The episode was out of your hands and there was not a lot you could do about it so I would just put it down to experience. All travel carries some risk such as this and it isn't all that frequent.
As far as I know all travel insurance policies pay out after 12 hours and the amount is usually small. It just shows again to read the terms and conditions which are quite clear in all policies, including VHI multitrip.
This has happened on 2 of the last 3 Futura charter flights i took, both times on the outward leg - on the first occasion the delay was 14 hours, i.e. flew at 4am instead of 1pm; I vaguely remember the insurance covered something around the €100 mark for 2 adults and a child.

Second time we were flown half way, then dumped in Tenerife without explanation as they could not land in Fuertaventura by night, but as we had taken off within the 12 hours there was no compensation.

par for the course on package holidays i think.
Last week my outbound flight was delayed by 15 hours, again due to technical fault with planes owned by the airline.I missed my first night's accommodation and as my package was all inclusive, I reckon I've lost about €350 in total as well as having to deal with two very tired small children.
My insurance will pay approx €160, but I need a letter from futura airlines confirming the delay, but can't find any contact details for them. What did you do in this situation as I see some of you have claimed from VHI multitrip.Unfortunately this is a common occurrence with package holidays.