Hole in plasterboard wall


Registered User
I have a large depression in a plasterboard wall, about the size of a football, and about i inch depressed into the cavity.

Any thoughts on the best way to fix/fill it ?
You should cut out more plasterboard until you reach battens if any and fix a piece of platerboard from batten to batten, if it is just a block then fix a batten the correct thickness needed so when you put plaster on it is same thickness, then use a filler when plaster joins sand paper and paint, also if still not looking great hang a nice picture but I am sure you wont need to do that
Amazing ! There was a guy from Woodies on Ireland AM last week demonstrating the same problem.

The idea is to buy another piece, cut the one with the hole to be the same shape, glue in a timber slat behind the plasterboard wall (LEAVE DRY !) and then slot your new piece over that. Easy peasy but didn't quite work out for the guy on Ireland AM !


You forgot to mention the piece of string tied to Les Swarbrigg's (Woodies DIY guy) piece of plaster

P.S. Its one of the solutions mentioned in santiago's link above.
sueellen said:

You forgot to mention the piece of string tied to Les Swarbrigg's (Woodies DIY guy) piece of plaster

Didn't see that, do you think he will be back on though after that performance ?