Hit while legally parked (3 car incident)



Hope ye can help with a situation I have (thankfully) never had to face before.

3 car incident involving Car A (me), Car B (car trying to park behind me) and Car C (car which caused the accident).

Last weekend, I was sitting in my parked car waiting to collect my sister when I got an almighty jolt from behind. My car had been hit by car B which had first been hit by car C. Car C was at fault and he gave me his insurance details. He said he would activate the claim. Guards came but in the course of investigating had to arrest car B occupants for multiple previous offences. As a result they were preoccupied chasing this guy and could not give me advice.

I was on holidays this week and have been unable to do anything about this situation.

What should I do? Damage is not enormous but my car cost a lot and I have been a very careful driver.

I would welcome any advice.

Thanks in advance.
Report the accident to his insurance, and report to your own but tell your own that you are informing them and not claiming.

Get quotes to fix, devaluation loss to your car, medical bills etc.

Add them all up and tell his insurance that you will be happy if they issue a cheque in full and final settlement of your claim. If you have to hire a car while yours is being fixed make sure you add that in too.
Unfortunately you claim is against Car B, which actually hit you; you have no claim against Car C although the driver foolishly and in contravention of his insurance company's policies and procedures, admitted liability for damage he did not cause. (He may have caused the accident, but did not physically make contact with your car.)
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I was in a similar situation only I was waiting in a line of traffic. In this case I was car B and and C was held liable for the damage to both cars A and B.
Whilst C is responsible for the damage, the way insurers work it is that everyone claims from the car behind them, and in the end the insurance companies reclaim from the last car.