Hit and Run and no action from the garda.

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I posted this in the Legal section but thought that this may be the proper forum for it.

I was knocked off my motorbike by a car in a hit and run last week. I got the make and the reg of the car. Luckily I had no serious damage done to me but my bike is fairly banged up.

Anyway, I gave all the details to the garda who came after I called 999. Since then I have heard nothing and it is now over a week since the incident. I've called the station each day to speak to the garda, after two days she still had not looked into the reg. Not only am I unable to get my bike fixed until the car is traced but the thoughts of the driver getting away with it because the garda has let this go is driving me crazy.

Do I need to get a solicator involved?

Does anyone have experience/advice that might help me?
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