Hiring a Child's Buggy


Registered User
I am wondering does anyone have any experience of hiring a child's buggy whilst on holidays? Im travelling to Alicante next week with my one year old and it would be great if I could leave his pram behind.
You can buy a cheap and light stroller for €50 or less and these are very practical on holidays. We did this with our first child. Last time out we had two babies with us on holidays and brought our twin buggy with us.
Its great to have the buggy in the airport as you have it until you board the plane and the buggies (hopefully in one piece) are first off before the baggage.

It would be hard to manage a small child in you arms for a few hours and thats assuming that the plane goes on time in the first place!
If you are going to a resort with childrens facilities they often have hire shops in the hotel. A couple of years ago we went to Menorca and I was sorry we brought our big heavy buggy with us because the ones in the hire shops were grand. All depends on the individual child too whether they will be happy in the buggy in the airport. I know my daughter wouldnt have stayed in it for any length of time anyway with crowds of people around her. We used a sling for her in the airport which I found handier as it kept her close to me while leaving my hands free.
I'd agree with NHG: if you're delayed at all at the airport (unlikely I know - not!), you'll be very grateful for having your own.

They can normally be checked in as you board the flight (i.e. at the gate, or even at the steps as you get on) and retrieved either as you get off the flight or with regula baggage (depending on airport).
A couple of years ago we went to Menorca and I was sorry we brought our big heavy buggy with us because the ones in the hire shops were grand.
Hi Vanilla - Can you expand on this? Are there hire shops all round the place? We're off to Cala n Forcat in Menorca on Friday, and it would be nice to know that we don't have to bring the buggy.
We're off to Cala n Forcat in Menorca on Friday
Off topic but if you're going there then do try to get to some of the remote beaches accessible through national parkland (you pay a small fee to park rangers for access) as they are fabulous and totally unspoilt (which means bring a picnic as no beach bars/cafés etc.). Maybe not so practical with small kids but see what you think. We did it by bicycle but that was before the nipper arrived.
The hotel had a hire shop for buggies, all sorts of baby things. If you need a cot you can ring ahead and book for your room, although we did this in our hotel there was no need as there were plenty but this may vary from place to place. So you could ring ahead and prebook a buggy/stroller too.Again in our hotel there was no need to prebook=there were many.

Only other tip I'd pass on re Menorca was that a care hire rep goes round to all the hotels every morning and you can rent a car for the day from them. Pay cash- we used credit card and extra unagreed charges were added on. Luckily we found out before we went home and dealt with the rep there and then but if we had gone home before we found out it would have been impossible. They bring baby seats around with them. And car hire is cheap.
In my exeperience you can find a buggy in the local hypr market for very little. We got one in Malaga last time for €30. Anytime we've put buggies in the cargo on a plane they come back warped. They are never the same.