Hillcrest in Lucan - opinions?

I have lived in Lucan all my life (most of it a stones throw from Hillcrest) and hard as it is to admit it I agree with you that things have gotten much worse. The only thing that I keep reminding myself is it seems to be the norm throughout Ireland. Graffitti, gangs, intimidation etc.

From reading posts on this thread anti social behaviour has got competlely out of hand - everywhere. I ran some kids a while ago from doing the usual, sitting on the wall, standing on flowers etc being on property that they had no business in ie MINE! and I came home to "knarky bitch lives here" in tippex on my front wall. Minor - I know, but it's the start of what is to come when they get older and bigger.

What can I say - approach parents and you could be lucky and get decent one's that don't actually know what's going on and will act on it. But the opposite is as likely, the parents will be worse than the kids.

Certainly get on to Lucan Garda Station's community officer, they have a bike patrol and I do believe that helps. I can recommend that some of the local independent councillors are brilliant. Lobby them aswell.

Best of luck and I hope things settle down, but given the time of year I don't think so.
I grew up in Hillcrest and my parents still live there along with my brother and sister and I must say that I am very suprised by what I am reading. I have not heard any of them give out about the estate. The one thing that they do give out about is the over development of the area, thanks liamo. You will always get kids hanging around on corners etc, I did it myself but we always kept to ourselves and didn't intimidate anyone.
My parents were one of the first in the estate and most the poeple around us were there from day one. In that time only one or two moved on.
Hi Tarquinn,

I have lived in Lucan also all of my life and for about 8 months I lived in Hilcrest, I only moved out about 1 month ago.

The neighbours around me were all nice only there was a family living in a corner house on my road and I hate to say it but they are the main reason for leaving the estate. They were loud, rude always had cars parked outside their road taking up half of the other spaces with their mates cars.

I did notice a lot more gangs around and I had my windscreen smashed in one morning so that kinda did it for me!

Lucan is not the place it once was and Hilcrest isnt either, thats why Im moving to Kilcock.
Thanks jnealon, like I said it was only a few people I was speaking to and there is one particular area in Hillcrest that seems to have more 'activity' than most. I really like where I am (neighbours on both sides fine) and its worked out so well, bus-wise and being so close to shops, the village, getting to Kildare for Mrs Tarquin.I just got alarmed after having a few people say to me they were looking to move away for various reasons.
It's probably more sociological than anything else, was there a high new settlement in this particular area about 16 years ago? Having babies is the next step for a lot of people after they secure their nest in suburbia, the gangs will probably disappear in 4-5 years time and the area will be back to normal, I'd hold on if I were you. The gangs are most likely good natured apart from appearance assuming as you indirectly allude to that the people who brought them up are good people.