Highway Robbery 2007

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Anne Marie

Registered User
One week ago, the Irish Government took (wait for it...!!) E20 for every Laser Card, and E10 for every ATM Card, held by every citizen in Ireland.

Check your online Banking, or your Statement, cos' they bloodsucked this free, un-earned dosh, from you too.

In April, they will also extract E40, unwittingly, from every Irish citizen, who holds, or has held in 2006, a Credit Card. And, lads, it's... PER.. Credit Card. So, if ya' hold two, ya pay, E80, etc etc. And, many people have more than one Credit Card, some that they never even use.

What a highway robbery. Such un-adulterated common theft. But, we let them do it to us. Every day, I deal with a million angry Non-Irish people, breathing fire, and spitting six-inch-nails, who simply cannot fathom, that the Irish Gov casually dips into their accounts, and takes this money!!! Yep, our Gov do this. It pays for Bertie's make-up, the private jets, the Prez's quilted loo rolls, !!! Even in Russia, the Gov would not take such liberties, I hear, daily!!

Do not hold a plastic card, that you do not absolutely need. It might look nice, and it might impress your friends when you flash it, but, think of the costs!! It's money down the toilet.

I work in a Major Bank, and I too, bitterly resent paying E70 per year, because I hold an ATM Card, a Laser Card, and a Credit Card. You probably do too? That's a cool, clear, E70 Gov profit, for damn all that we see, stolen from us. Every, single year!!! And, with over 3.5Million people paying...Jazus, that's an awful lot of shekels!!!

For E70, I could do loads, with this new house!!! I'd have matching cups, for a start. What, could you do, with E70?

Eh, why don't we complain? In fact, why are we not rioting, and banging bin lids on the streets, over this total treachery?

Or, did you not even notice??
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In April, they will also extract E40, unwittingly, from every Irish citizen, who holds, or has held in 2006, a Credit Card. And, lads, it's... PER.. Credit Card. So, if ya' hold two, ya pay, E80, etc etc. And, many people have more than one Credit Card, some that they never even use.

It's actually for every credit card account, you can have more than one card per account e.g. one for yourself and one for your partner, just one €40 charge.

Eh, why don't we complain? In fact, why are we not rioting, and banging bin lids on the streets, over this total treachery?

Or, did you not even notice??

Its all clearly documented in the terms and conditions associated with every credit card or laser/ATM card so nobody can claim they're unaware of the charge. I presume you have also complained to your local TD, there will be lots knocking on doors soon enough?
Do not hold a plastic card, that you do not absolutely need. It might look nice, and it might impress your friends when you flash it, but, think of the costs!! It's money down the toilet.

This is the only part of the above post that isn't a rant.

Ranting is for Letting Off Steam.

If life is so good in Russia-best of luck with the move.
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