higher contribution to joint bank account.. what are my rights?



I could do with some advice regarding a joint bank account I had with my ex.. We own a house together (he still lives in and i still pay for). For the entire duration of our relationship we had a joint bank account which we both lodged our wages into (neither of us had separate accounts). We had this account for 8 yrs.
I have been going through all bank statements for those years and have calculated my contributions compared to his with shocking results!
I contributed over €240,000 to the account while he contributed €112,000 ..
since separating he is convinced I owe him money as I remortgaged our house for MY business. I also took over the credit card (9k) when we split leaving him with no debt just his share of the mortgage.. I now want rid of the house as I can not continue to pay for it without the use of it!

does it matter that I contributed more to the account.. we were never married

any advice would be great!
Sorry to say no it doesn't matter who lodged what into the account.

How much is he saying he wants from you?

The good thing is YOU alone did not remortgage the house you BOTH did.

Have you approached him with these figures and factor in the credit card. Do they come anywhere near.

To be honest what can he do. You said you both lodged wages into the account, that 14k on average a year for him. He wont get a good lawyer with that.

About the house does he want to sell as well. There is no way he would get a mortgage to cover your half of it so selling is the only way.

I was thinking about doing this earlier back on in the year and it's a long and messy process. I decided against is very soon. From the information i got before i gave up, you would need to apply to court to force the sale of the house.
Thanks for your feed back,
He thinks I owe him about 40k.. he refuses to sell the house as it will only make whats owed on it.. I'm happy with that but he feels he should be able to walk away from this with money to start over. I gave him a good life style and I worked so hard.. Its just so unfair.. hes lazy and even was out of work for a year to figure out what he wanted to be!
I just want my life back... should I just give him half my share of my business that our house was remortgaged for??
I've been to a solisitor and he says I actually own most of the property due to my higher wage and contributions and that he will take on the case. I really don't know what to do as I don't want to create an expensive legal case. All I want is for him to take over the house and repayments..
That boy doesn't know how lucky he had it.

How is giving him half your business going to get your life back? You still going to be connected to him. Do you really want him to have a say in your business?

Is he not paying any rent at all?

I'm sure the lawyer knows what he is talking about but if you purchased the property together and the mortgage is in both your names, i always thought no matter what you owned it 50/50.

He wouldn't be able to just take over the house, he would need a mortgage by himself and i doubt he get one on his wages.

Speak to him again about selling the house. I wouldn't do this but you can threaten it, that you are going to stop making the mortgage payment which will effect his credit rating. And eventually the house will be re-possessed and he'll have nothing at all. Then you could say after the sale of the house you are prepared to give him "x" amount. Not that you should but it's a way to maybe get him out and would be cheaper that going to a solicitor.
Sorry to hear about the problems.

Unfortunately unless your ex and yourself can negotiate your way to some form of agreed settlement, you may not have any choice but "to create an expensive legal case".

A word of warning - even with an agreed settlement, getting it written down, signed off, witnessed, executed and registered will not be free of legal costs, particularly with a mortgaged property at the centre of it. You'll have to include the mortgage company's requirements in any agreement in relation to the house.

I don't think messing with the mortgage repayments or even threatening to is a good suggestion as it may effect you and potentially your business.
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He actually can afford the mortgage repayments .. Its a 3 bedroom house.. he could rent out 2 rooms! Or maybe we should just rent out the whole house. Maybe I should just take my solisitor's advice and let him fight my corner.. thanks for the feedback!