high standard of contribution


Registered User
I have been looking at the posts by CMCR over the last while and feel it is worth noting that they are very knowledgeable, in depth and of an exceptionally high standard. Yet another unsung hero on AAM.
The last person that I remember who can on the scene of this standard was ajapale and we know what happened to him...
I agree - CMCR seems to have particular knowledge & expertise on our social welfare system, and this is one topic where AAM had a big knowledge gap in the past.
Folks, thanks for such a nice acknowledgement. I'm really very embarrassed about that! (Cue red face among sea of desks). Always thought I was going to get told off for such wordy posts!

I've a good knowledge of a number of areas (including social welfare, legal, health services, disability, motoring, employment rights, etc.) and am more than happy to provide any advice, support and assistance I can.

AAM really is a great resource and I really love the anonymity of being able to post a question and get some informed responses.

I also love the fact that you are all familiar with my work but don't know who I am! Tee hee hee
Its a cliffhanger. Hate that. Do you mean you are already registered under another name, or just like all the other anon contribs, we don't know who you are?