I have been using Calour Gas since it was installed in my house when i bought it 3 years ago.
Bills are always huge, nothing out of the normal to recieve a bill for 400+
The heating is only on for 3-4 hours a day max, id hate to see what the bill would be like if their was a new baby in the house and we had to leave it on for longer!
Since it is a centralised tank i dont think there is any way of switching as everyone use teh same tank in the development.
The only other option i can think of would be to remove open gas fire and install a normal fire for natural heat which might save on gas.
Does anyone know hoe much it would roughly cost to covert the house to an oil burning system?
From speaking to people they cant believe how much we are paying in Gas bills, i would be willing to take a some upfront expense if it saves money in the long run, do not feel people are getting fair value for money with Gas.