Hidden Hearing Aids!



Hi, my mother has just been to see these guys, she was impressed but they're quite expensive. So she thought she'd get me to post a query out there as she's IT phobic! to see if anyone has had any experience of them, or know anyone who has?


Hi. I wont say anything bad about another company but I would advise you and your mother to shop around. Business in the hearing aid business is quite slow at the moment and you can do deals if you mention you're going to shop around.

I will say that the sales people (in every hearing aid shop) will try and push the hearing aid with all the best features which usually comes at a price.

You have to ask yourself these questions:
1. If your mother is old will she be able to manage a tiny hearing aid. Sales people will always show you small aids for cosmetic value (cant be seen etc). Batterys have to be changed weekly and be quite fiddley.
2. tiny hearing aids dont come with volume controls and i find that most people like to have something that they can adjust the volume with. In saying that if her hand dexterity is not great a volume control isnt for her.
3. I would definitely ask for a 30 day trial. most shops will give you that if you ask. As I said business is slow so they want to make a sale.

Hope this helps. If you need any info I can help.
We are in the same business park as hidden hearing and they printed our phone number on one of their brochures in error. We quite frequently get calls from mostly elderly people who have problems with their hearing aids. When we try to explain they have the wrong number, its "speak up, I can t hear you, have a problem with my hearing aid!"
Haven't time to say much now but my father had serious trouble with this crowd. Problems with hearing aids, unable to contact reps, reps seemed to change very often and the new one never knew anything about the problem. Final straw was when he bought the hearing aid he took out insurance on the advice of the rep who told him it was ins for 2 years and gave a receipt saying same but when aid broke in the second year (for the umpteenth time) he was told he wasn't covered, that the insurance receipt said that the hearing aid was in year 2. they had some receipt to 'prove' this, my dad had no copy of this, and as a very able and intelligent man, but hard of hearing, definitely understood that the insurance was for 2 years. I rang them several times on his behalf and customer service is terrible. Have to go now, but stay away from them
My aul' fella had one of these.........he mislaid it, couldn't find it and ended up buying a bigger one that would be easily found!