Brendan Burgess
- Messages
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Hibernian have today launched a Charter for With Profits policyholders - i have cut and pasted this from a PDF document, so sorry about the formatting:
Text of Press Release:
25 November 2002
As a result of recent stock market uncertainties and as part of several efforts to reassure both present and prospective with profit customers Hibernian Life & Pensions has taken the initiative to launch a With Profit Charter – a first for a life and pensions company in Ireland.
“With Profit business has had some bad press in recent months” said Grant Barrans Managing Director of Hibernian Life & Pensions. “Stock market volatility and an uncertain economic future have meant that all investment products have experienced difficult times, and with profit funds have been no exception. The Charter is a way of setting in stone the commitment we make to our customers when they choose Hibernian to manage their money.”
The With Profit business is not as straightforward as other investment opportunities; its main advantage over other methods of savings is that it provides investors with the benefits of smoothing, together with valuable capital guarantees. Because customers’ money is invested in a wide range of assets including stocks and shares, but also in more stable options such as property, government bonds and cash, it means that the risk is not as high as it would be if the money was invested one hundred per cent in stocks and shares.
“In a nutshell a With Profit investment product is a way of putting into practice that old adage of not putting all your eggs in one basket - and in today’s economic climate that’s not such a bad idea” said Grant Barrans.
The Charter specifically outlines how Hibernian’s bonus is paid and how the With Profit ‘smoothing’ process works. Smoothing is probably the key area where With Profit products are different to more straightforward investment products. The performance of assets underlying any investment can have good years and bad. The difference in a With Profit fund is that the ups and downs are smoothed out, some of the gains in the good years are held back to compensate for years in which the fund is not doing too well. The Hibernian Charter clearly explains how the smoothing process works, and emphasises that all the returns are paid out in the long term. It also sets out the company’s principles regarding application of a Market Value Adjustment (MVA), which protects those in the fund from a stream of early encashments under poor market circumstances.
The Charter also guarantees that the With Profit fund is independent of all other Hibernian Life & Pensions business activity, i.e. it is ring fenced so that policyholders are not exposed to any business risks that the company may in the future be exposed to. There is also a commitment to disclose the Free Asset Ratio of the fund each six months in June and December. This ratio shows by how much the assets of the fund exceed its liabilities and is a good indicator of the financial strength of the fund, over and above the solvency margin required by government legislation. Indeed the assets of the Hibernian With Profit Fund are well in excess of these strict government margins. The Free Asset Ratio is also an essential indicator for the financial adviser to assess if the fund is sound and if it is a safe recommendation for his or her clients.
Grant Barrans said: “I am certain that there are many policyholders and prospective policyholders out there who have perhaps been worried, not only by the recent bad press surrounding With Profit funds, but also by the continuing economic downturn. This Charter underscores the fact that prudent management of Hibernian’s With Profit Fund means that future Hibernian With Profit policyholders will not pay for the poor investment performance of the recent past. I believe this is an important message to get across to customers”.
Principles of the Hibernian
Unitised With Profit Fund
These principles are supervised by the Appointed
Actuary, a senior employee of Hibernian Life &
Pensions, who has a professional and legal
responsibility to ensure that policyholders are treated
equitably and fairly.
Investment management
1. Policyholders’ money is invested in the Hibernian
With Profit Fund. To reduce risk the fund invests in
a wide range of assets including stocks and shares,
fixed interest securities such as Government bonds,
property and cash. By investing in a wide range of
countries the risk is further reduced. Hibernian
decides how the fund is apportioned between the
different asset classes. However the proportion of
each asset will normally remain between the
following parameters:
Stocks & shares 40% - 80%
Bonds 20% - 60%
Property 0% - 20%
Cash 0% - 20%
2. The investment strategy for the With Profit Fund is
to maximise investment returns for policyholders,
subject to an acceptable level of risk, whilst
maintaining a broad spread of assets.
3. Hibernian will not invest any of the assets of the
With Profit Fund in wholly or partially owned
subsidiary undertakings of Hibernian Life &
Pensions Ltd.
4. At the end of June and December of each year,
Hibernian will publish the exact asset split. This
information will be posted on the Hibernian Life &
Pensions website at
5. The investment strategy of the With Profit Fund can
vary according to the broad level of guarantees in
individual products. A product with higher levels of
guarantees may be more conservatively managed
than a product with lower levels of guarantees. The
resulting different investment returns would be
allocated to policyholders through the bonus system.
6. Hibernian will report on the investment
performance of the assets in the With Profit Fund
on a yearly basis. This information will be posted on
the Hibernian website at
Bonus and smoothing policies
7. Investments in the With Profit Fund by policyholders
are made by the purchase of fund units. The fund
price on that day determines how many units in the
fund are purchased
8. The return on the assets in the With Profit Fund is
allocated to policyholders through a bonus system.
The objective of the bonus system is to provide
policyholders with a smoothed rate of return. The
value of policyholder investments increases each
year by a predetermined rate. This is called the
Annual Bonus Rate and is declared in advance each
January. The fund price increases on a daily basis to
reflect the bonus rate. The annual bonus will not
be less than 0%.
9. Assets vary according to potential growth and risk.
Bank deposits offer modest growth potential but
there is minimal risk involved. Stocks and shares
have good growth potential but are more risky.
Property and government bonds (also called gilts)
lie somewhere in-between.
The With Profit Fund invests predominantly in
stocks and shares and bonds. These assets can have
some very good years but can also have some poor
performing ones. The performance of the assets
held feeds through to how the With Profit Fund
performs. Instead of paying out exactly what the
Fund returns each year, the With Profit Fund
smoothes the variations in performance by holding
back some returns in good years to compensate for
the years in which fund performance is more
disappointing. While the payments of the profits to
the policyholders in the Fund can be spread out
over a number of years, all the profits are paid out
over the long term.
10. In normal financial conditions Hibernian manages
the smoothing process of the fund using a number
of guidelines:
• The rate of the annual bonus will be set in order
to target no more than 1/3 of the total payout
being paid in the form of a terminal bonus.
• Hibernian will pass on to policyholders all the
investment returns of the assets of the fund.
• On average Hibernian will pay out 100% of what
the policy has earned. However in any one year
payouts on maturity will normally vary between
90-110% . When the fund performs well the
payout may be closer to the 90% end of the
spectrum. After poor investment performance the
payout may be closer to 110%.
• The maturity payouts on equivalent policies will not
normally vary by more than 10% from year to year.
11. Annual bonuses are declared with a view to
providing a terminal bonus. On average we aim to
share out two thirds of the investment returns
through annual bonuses. Any balance is paid as a
terminal bonus. However there is no guarantee of
Annual or Terminal Bonuses as these are dependent
on the performance of the underlying assets.
Text of Press Release:
25 November 2002
As a result of recent stock market uncertainties and as part of several efforts to reassure both present and prospective with profit customers Hibernian Life & Pensions has taken the initiative to launch a With Profit Charter – a first for a life and pensions company in Ireland.
“With Profit business has had some bad press in recent months” said Grant Barrans Managing Director of Hibernian Life & Pensions. “Stock market volatility and an uncertain economic future have meant that all investment products have experienced difficult times, and with profit funds have been no exception. The Charter is a way of setting in stone the commitment we make to our customers when they choose Hibernian to manage their money.”
The With Profit business is not as straightforward as other investment opportunities; its main advantage over other methods of savings is that it provides investors with the benefits of smoothing, together with valuable capital guarantees. Because customers’ money is invested in a wide range of assets including stocks and shares, but also in more stable options such as property, government bonds and cash, it means that the risk is not as high as it would be if the money was invested one hundred per cent in stocks and shares.
“In a nutshell a With Profit investment product is a way of putting into practice that old adage of not putting all your eggs in one basket - and in today’s economic climate that’s not such a bad idea” said Grant Barrans.
The Charter specifically outlines how Hibernian’s bonus is paid and how the With Profit ‘smoothing’ process works. Smoothing is probably the key area where With Profit products are different to more straightforward investment products. The performance of assets underlying any investment can have good years and bad. The difference in a With Profit fund is that the ups and downs are smoothed out, some of the gains in the good years are held back to compensate for years in which the fund is not doing too well. The Hibernian Charter clearly explains how the smoothing process works, and emphasises that all the returns are paid out in the long term. It also sets out the company’s principles regarding application of a Market Value Adjustment (MVA), which protects those in the fund from a stream of early encashments under poor market circumstances.
The Charter also guarantees that the With Profit fund is independent of all other Hibernian Life & Pensions business activity, i.e. it is ring fenced so that policyholders are not exposed to any business risks that the company may in the future be exposed to. There is also a commitment to disclose the Free Asset Ratio of the fund each six months in June and December. This ratio shows by how much the assets of the fund exceed its liabilities and is a good indicator of the financial strength of the fund, over and above the solvency margin required by government legislation. Indeed the assets of the Hibernian With Profit Fund are well in excess of these strict government margins. The Free Asset Ratio is also an essential indicator for the financial adviser to assess if the fund is sound and if it is a safe recommendation for his or her clients.
Grant Barrans said: “I am certain that there are many policyholders and prospective policyholders out there who have perhaps been worried, not only by the recent bad press surrounding With Profit funds, but also by the continuing economic downturn. This Charter underscores the fact that prudent management of Hibernian’s With Profit Fund means that future Hibernian With Profit policyholders will not pay for the poor investment performance of the recent past. I believe this is an important message to get across to customers”.
Principles of the Hibernian
Unitised With Profit Fund
These principles are supervised by the Appointed
Actuary, a senior employee of Hibernian Life &
Pensions, who has a professional and legal
responsibility to ensure that policyholders are treated
equitably and fairly.
Investment management
1. Policyholders’ money is invested in the Hibernian
With Profit Fund. To reduce risk the fund invests in
a wide range of assets including stocks and shares,
fixed interest securities such as Government bonds,
property and cash. By investing in a wide range of
countries the risk is further reduced. Hibernian
decides how the fund is apportioned between the
different asset classes. However the proportion of
each asset will normally remain between the
following parameters:
Stocks & shares 40% - 80%
Bonds 20% - 60%
Property 0% - 20%
Cash 0% - 20%
2. The investment strategy for the With Profit Fund is
to maximise investment returns for policyholders,
subject to an acceptable level of risk, whilst
maintaining a broad spread of assets.
3. Hibernian will not invest any of the assets of the
With Profit Fund in wholly or partially owned
subsidiary undertakings of Hibernian Life &
Pensions Ltd.
4. At the end of June and December of each year,
Hibernian will publish the exact asset split. This
information will be posted on the Hibernian Life &
Pensions website at
5. The investment strategy of the With Profit Fund can
vary according to the broad level of guarantees in
individual products. A product with higher levels of
guarantees may be more conservatively managed
than a product with lower levels of guarantees. The
resulting different investment returns would be
allocated to policyholders through the bonus system.
6. Hibernian will report on the investment
performance of the assets in the With Profit Fund
on a yearly basis. This information will be posted on
the Hibernian website at
Bonus and smoothing policies
7. Investments in the With Profit Fund by policyholders
are made by the purchase of fund units. The fund
price on that day determines how many units in the
fund are purchased
8. The return on the assets in the With Profit Fund is
allocated to policyholders through a bonus system.
The objective of the bonus system is to provide
policyholders with a smoothed rate of return. The
value of policyholder investments increases each
year by a predetermined rate. This is called the
Annual Bonus Rate and is declared in advance each
January. The fund price increases on a daily basis to
reflect the bonus rate. The annual bonus will not
be less than 0%.
9. Assets vary according to potential growth and risk.
Bank deposits offer modest growth potential but
there is minimal risk involved. Stocks and shares
have good growth potential but are more risky.
Property and government bonds (also called gilts)
lie somewhere in-between.
The With Profit Fund invests predominantly in
stocks and shares and bonds. These assets can have
some very good years but can also have some poor
performing ones. The performance of the assets
held feeds through to how the With Profit Fund
performs. Instead of paying out exactly what the
Fund returns each year, the With Profit Fund
smoothes the variations in performance by holding
back some returns in good years to compensate for
the years in which fund performance is more
disappointing. While the payments of the profits to
the policyholders in the Fund can be spread out
over a number of years, all the profits are paid out
over the long term.
10. In normal financial conditions Hibernian manages
the smoothing process of the fund using a number
of guidelines:
• The rate of the annual bonus will be set in order
to target no more than 1/3 of the total payout
being paid in the form of a terminal bonus.
• Hibernian will pass on to policyholders all the
investment returns of the assets of the fund.
• On average Hibernian will pay out 100% of what
the policy has earned. However in any one year
payouts on maturity will normally vary between
90-110% . When the fund performs well the
payout may be closer to the 90% end of the
spectrum. After poor investment performance the
payout may be closer to 110%.
• The maturity payouts on equivalent policies will not
normally vary by more than 10% from year to year.
11. Annual bonuses are declared with a view to
providing a terminal bonus. On average we aim to
share out two thirds of the investment returns
through annual bonuses. Any balance is paid as a
terminal bonus. However there is no guarantee of
Annual or Terminal Bonuses as these are dependent
on the performance of the underlying assets.