Hey, I'm outa here.


Registered User
I have to admit I became an internet addict over the past year or so. So I'm tackling the problem at source. Broadband will be disconnected at the end of the month.

Looking forward to spending more time with the kids, and doing the kind of jobs around the house I like to advise other people about! Not to mention looking after the business and the assets!

It's been good interacting with you all. Knowing me, I will not be back.

Great site! Onwards, to the stars!

Love ya all.

You're absolutely right! We got rid of Sky TV last year and it was one of the best things we ever did.

Not quite ready to let go of broadband yet , but may do in the near future.

Enjoy the extra time with your kids, best of luck!
Perhaps we could summarise the site each month into a digest which we post to extopia?
ClubMan said:
Perhaps we could summarise the site each month into a digest which we post to extopia?

I can do some of this in advance for you....

1. I've got SO much money, I don't know what to do with it, please help.
2. Buying property in 3rd world countries is cool. You agree with me, yes.
3. I'm too lazy to research stuff for myself. Can you do it for me please?
ClubMan said:
You forgot any thread entitled "Help!!!!!!".
That falls into option 3. I'm too lazy to research stuff for myself. Can you do it for me please?
Fair enough. I guess you've summarised the site in three bullet points so. Well done!

Thank you for your great contribution to AAM over the years. I always enjoyed reading your posts.

Thanks for your help with Crofton Memoirs; good luck in all you do.


4. Step right up,Step right up,Step right up.... do you wanna make some extra money.... our teleco can give you 3billion minutes of free calls EVERY Single Week... & you can make some extra money also
5. (Point 4 nuked by a Mod)

......That aside, thanks extopia.

On the same/slightly different I refuse to get a mobile phone. my time off is my time off. I dont want to be contacted/distrubed. I am contactable enough when at work/home. one was bought for me 2 years ago despite my protests. Managed to lose it first time out. Hint taken. Enjoyed your posts Ex ( you really are ex now!!) cheers
Ah Ex. this is just not good enuf. A girl (ol' one more like) takes a few days off and comes back to find that you're leavin' Pray tell us who's goin' to rid the world of PVC now?

Seriously though thanks for all your advice to everyone especially in the Homes and Gardens Forum over the past few years and sure who knows we may meet up in fair Donegal some day possibly with CCOVICH or wee Daniel.

All the best,


BTW, know where you are comin' from with the internet addiction.
I'm back... efforts to get rid of bband fell by the wayside when new employers of family member insisted on providing it for free.

So I suppose I'll just have to try to resist
left a site once before and didnt go back, another chat site, but of no benefit (sports related & general buffoonery).

At least theres good general info on this site. Have found myself "dumbing down" recently - think its the heavy weather - but little appetite for the "meatier" financial threads at the moment !