Heron's Wood: Carraigaline, Co Cork. When will these houses be allocated?

Sent my form saying I've been accepted for Loan back to County Council on Friday along with a letter requesting to see the property again before buying. Have gotten quote from a solicitor who will tie up everything including documentation eg. land registry for €2K. Btw, seeing as though this is a site about saving money, would anyone like the units from my kitchen, for FREE of course. Am sure they could be modified to turn them into over head units which arent provided saving quite a bit of money for someone. If you're interested PM me.
Hi all,

Would anyone have a rough idea how long from now will we see a sign of the keys to the houses?

Hi Pinkstars
I'm taking it you have life and house insurance sorted and the bank are ready to write the cheque? If everything goes as planned with the solicitors and taking into account that there are a lot of people on the list, I would hope only 2 months (at earliest). It's an awful shame the county council arent doing what the city council have done in the past, which is to rent the houses out to the buyer until all the legal work is finished. They rent the house out at a ridiculously low price, but at the same time your paying a lot less than the mortgage and the council are earning a few quid.
God, would be handy if they did rent them out! I spoke to the council and they won't be contacting my solicitor until mid to late April, as they have to have a meeting at the end of the month first in order to finalise documentation..I'm hoping late April to the start of May we'll be in? I am probably being a bit too eager!! Yeah all insurances sorted also, so its just waiting on solicitors.
If they arent going to contact your solicitor for another month then I wouldnt hold my breath. It's very frustrating knowing the house is sitting there empty and that you have the money to move in but cant because of all the legal stuff.
Stop, don't I know it. Someone on my row seems to be doing up their house alright, saw it the other day, how I don't know!
Everything sorted with the bank and as many details sent on to the County Council as possible. I think its a matter of waiting for solicitors and Co Co to sort themselves out. Has anyone received further information from the County Council since sending them your letter of Mortgage Acceptance from the bank?
Hi Everyone,
We are waiting too. I havn't heard anything from anyone since we sent the council our loan approval. I guess its a waiting game now. I don't mind too much, its going to happen its only a matter of time and we will all be house owners.
I did just hear of someone who was told they will have their keys in 3 weeks. Any one any more information?
I seriously doubt 3 weeks, unless they are really lucky and are at the top of the Co Council Solictor's list. Who gave them that information? Would be great if it were true.
The council...well the info was passed on to a friend who told me, I wonder now if we might hear something sooner then expected....hopefully! Its a long wait.
Hey Guys,
Would love to have the keys in 3 weeks but from talking to different people who have bought affordable houses it takes a little bit longer, The Council are having their meeting at the end of the month and then its between the solicitors, and getting the snag lists sorted out, so hopefully we should all be in by the end of May/June the latest. At least we know the houses are ours and after waiting 4 years I think this should should be a short wait!
Did anybody get a snag list done?
we got ours done and it was only small things mainly what we had seen ourselves -so hopefully the builder will look after these small things for us all!
How did you get access to inside the house to get a snag list done? We've sent off our letter to County Council to have another viewing and have heard nothing.
Hi Bobdangler,
after sending off our acceptance letter to the council we got a letter back from them and it gave the name & number of someone to contact in the council if you want to arrange a snag to be done..your engineer has to ring the council and arrange this-but if you want to look around the house while he's doing it let him know-our engineer asked me if i wanted to be there while he was doing it..unfortunatly i was working! but there was no prob - on the letter from the council it did say that the houses were snaged.....but you know yourself thats not really true. If you need the the number of the girl to contact in the council i can post it tomorrow?!
Thanks Neo. Am just wondering if there is any real point in getting it snagged after all I've read in previous posts on the site. Sounds like the Council and builders dont want to hear about any snags. Although I did send a letter about my fence in the back garden which keeps falling down due to lazy work on builders behalf. Hopefully your snag list isnt too major! Who are you going to getin touch with to sort out your snag list? Council or Builders?
Hi Bobdangler,
we will get in contact with the builder as the council have made it clear they dont want anything to do with the snag list-there is nothing major on the snag but it would be handy if the builder would sort it out - sorting out the doors that dont close and small things like that - the engineer thought it a bit strange that there was no sink in the down stairs toilet aswell, at least they are only small and if have to be we could sort them out ourselves.
The main reason we got the snag done was incase there was anything major like leaks etc and our solicitor also recommended us.
The council should fix up your fence there are a few things they said they would look after major things like broken windows and they alson mentioned the fence.
has anyone heard any news of when the keys will be handed out?
all this waiting is driving me crazy!!