Herberton, Rialto (Fatima Mansions site)


Registered User
I'm looking to put a deposit down on an city apartment thats not ready for at least a year, and have considered these Herberton apartments which are being built on the site of the old Fatima Mansions flats.
2 of the 5 proposed blocks were launched in April and are due from spring 2008. There is also a gym, swimming pool & sports pitch planned for the area, as well as retail units in the ground floor of the apartment blocks.
Just wondering if anyone has any information or opinions on the pros and cons of this development?? Obvious pros are location, as in closeness to town and close proximity of the Fatima Luas stop.
Im looking at a 2 bed which are ranging in price from 365K to 400K including parking, do people consider this reasonable or over-priced for this area??
link to site here [broken link removed]

I have just bought an apartment here. I am a bit biased as I have lived in the area for about 7 years and absolutley love it. You will of course hear arguements about safety etc but I have never had any problems at all. Having looked at some other new developments further out of the city the price is pretty comparable, although some have parking included in the price while Herberton doesn't, at least for the one bed. But for me the location wins out everytime. 20min walk to Stephens green, Luas right on your door step - and I mean literally right on your door step.

The finish of the apartments seems excellent too. For me there really are no cons, althoug I'm sure others will differ from me on that! The only thing the immediate area lacks is a decent pub, though there are a couple of good ones on James St which is just through the hospital. There are no decent pubs as of yet on Cork Street and I have yet to try any in Rialto village. Of course I am assuming there will be some within the development once it is completed.
thanks a mill for your pointers and opinions there.. Theres very little about the development anywhere on the web..
Do you mind me asking where you were living in the area for the 7 years?
I was looking at a 2 bed, so i can avail of the parking for the extra 20K.
The price of the 2 bed is still under 400K though, which is rare in the Dublin 8 area at the moment..
I wouldnt mind too much about lack of decent pub myself, as I tend to socialise in town mostly anyway..
The close proximity to town and the luas are definite major pluses, and I was also very impressed with the finish of the interior of the show apartment.
Did you find out any information about the plans for the social housing in the development - or were they all built in Phase 1 do you know?

thanks again
The only thing the immediate area lacks is a decent pub ...... I have yet to try any in Rialto village....

I'd recommend trying the Bird Flanagan in Rialto village. From memory I'd say it is only about 5 minutes to walk from the area you describe. It was my local while I was living in the area (albeit about 15 years ago) and I would have recommended it highly.

Hope that helps,
Thanks Paul.

I've lived in Newmarket (just off Cork St), the Maltings (off James St), Mount Brown and currently on Cork St literally 2 mins from Herberton. Its going to take a lot to get me out of Dublin 8! Afraid I don't know anything about the social housing.
my brother used to drink in the Bird too, when he lived in inchicore, so I think it was a good place alright..
Havana can I ask which block and apartment you ended up buying and what were the things you considered when you were choosing?
I'm currently looking at the 3rd floor of Block A
Hard to know which ones to go for!!

I bought in block B 2nd floor. All I knew was I didn't want to be on the ground floor so bought as high as I could afford. Also didn't want to be facing the Luas stop and wanted the sun on my balcony if possible. Did you see the apartments on Househunters last week?
yeah i was thinking the same re ground floor, I'm looking at Block A, as it has better laid out 2 bed apartments - and both bedrooms are double in most of those ones.
Also for your info, I found out from the estate agents that the social units & some affordable units will be in block F. Also there will be some more affordable units throughout the remaining blocks.

I didnt see that episode of househunters but my friend did.. They looked at loads of different properties around Crumlin, Drimnagh, Inchicore etc and decided on the Herberton in the end.

I'm going to see the apartments if I can this week, hopefully will make a decision then..
Best of luck on Friday whatever you decide to do. We may be neighbours yet!
Hi havana,

seems we will be neighbours after all! I ended up putting a deposit down on a 2 bed in the Herberton - went for Block A Third floor, with parking - so very happy with the decision! Although have yet to sign contracts, some hold up with the solicitors and the changing of the apartments address didnt help!
Did you hear that there are new addresses for the apartments?
Apparently mine will be ...<address snipped by ajapale.>.

They seem to be flying up anyways, especially Block B..
Yeah they changed the addresses alright. I'll be Herberton Street. I had to get a new loan offer and that. Signed the contracts last week. Hopefully the year will fly (I'm telling myself it will be that long so I'm not too disappointed if its delayed). Was waiting for the luas yesterday and was looking at them at work. The rooms seems a decent size, though I know its hard to tell when its still a shell.

Congrats to you too! Yeah I had to get a new loan offer letter too.. but hoping to sign this week, my solicitor is still waiting on some documents he requested.
The rooms do seem a great size. Im especially happy with the size of my living/dining area (hopefully it will actually be that size!) and from what i can make out of where my living room balcony will be, the sun is streaming in that direction in the evenings, which is great!
Really hope they arent delayed, although it would mean more saving time!
Hey guys, I've been looking at these apartments myself. Just wondering - did you have to have your finance in place before signing the contracts?
I havent yet signed my contracts yet - due to this week - but I was told by the estate agents that I wouldnt be able to sign contracts unless I showed mortgage approval in principle at least.
Thanks Roz! The agents hadn't mentioned any of that to me, guess I was just being naive.
i saw the brochure and basically u walk in and its all done up is this true/ u get fridge, dishwasher, washing machine
Herberton?? Mgt Fees aer €1892 per annum (give or take a euro). I think the building on these has also been delayed by a month or two!! But yes all included; fridge/freezer/oven/dishwasher/washing machine (think its a washer/dryer too) and all Whirlpool

where is the parking for the Apartments?
is it secure parking?

also €1900 p/y seems quite high for management fees....