Herbal remedies: recommend a UK website where I can purchase items Udo's Oil, StJW


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Can anyone recommend a UK website where I can purchase items such as Udo's Oil, St John's Wort etc
Re: Herbal remedies

with st. johns wort being banned here might not be sich a good idea incase customs do a spot check
Re: Herbal remedies

I dont think St johns wort is banned here...its just now you need a prescription to purchase it where as a few years ago you could buy it over the counter...the only problems with it where that it seemed to interfere with oral contraception - birth control so word of warning there. A friend of mine who i wouldnt class as a depressive but has his "low times" gets this stuff up north apperantly as he finds it very effective with the winter blues and it much less harsh than anti depressants.
Re: Herbal remedies

E-bay has a few herbal shops with a good selection of alternative remedies. Also cheap prices with the high competition.
Re: Herbal remedies

In relation to St. John's Wort be aware that many products don't contain much or any of the active ingredient or are not prepared properly for medical use. See [broken link removed] for some background info. Unfortunately loose regulation of "herbal/natural" remedies - assuming that some of them have any remedial benefits at all - leaves customers open to exploitation.
Re: Herbal remedies

It is possible to purchase Udo's Oil in lots of health food shops around the country. (Check the refrigerated cabinet).
Re: Herbal remedies

Just a word of warning on St.John's Wort..a friend had been taking it to relieve symptoms of menopause and was not aware of possible effects (in this instance increasing what I think is called "photosensitivity")..having sat out for lunch in the sun in may for about 1 hour she was admitted to hospital with 3rd degree burns from her knees to her ankles and suffered irreperable nerve damage. She subsequently read an article in the US about such effects of St.John's Wort..proceed with caution!
Re: Herbal remedies

Yes 3rd degree burns..her skin was charred and had to be dressed for quite some time...she was unable to walk properly for 6 weeks and has suffered ever since. I myself thought she was exagerating until I saw them with my own eyes..doctors told her she looked like she had walked through a fire.
Re: Herbal remedies

St John's Wort. €22 for 30 tablets on prescription in Ireland. Some web sites have them for sale at 100 for about €15. There seems to be a big rip off here. Udo's Oil is coming in at €26 for 500ml. I am heading to Europe on holidays soon it might be worth while stocking up?
Re: Herbal remedies

Odea said:
Some web sites have them for sale at 100 for about €15.
As I said you should make sure that you are comparing like with like and that each of these contain the same dose of active ingredient and are prepared properly. Lots of SJW sold is useless as it simply contains crushed leaves rather than active ingredient extracted through the appropriate process.
Re: Herbal remedies

I've also heard read/heard this mentioned before [broken link removed]
Re: Herbal remedies

The product sold on prescription in Ireland at €22 for 30 tablets is a brand name called Kira. Clubman, I am aware that I need to compare like with like hence my request for a recommendation of a UK website, perhaps someone with satisfactory first hand experience of dealing with such a site.
Racso you pose an interesting question. Can this product be purchased abroad and imported in to Ireland either by post or directly when returning from an overseas trip? A prescription is held for this product but is one needed?.
Re: Herbal remedies

Odea said:
Clubman, I am aware that I need to compare like with like hence my request for a recommendation of a UK website
You asked for website recommendations. Your original query said nothing specifically about recommendations of specific SJW products which are good quality and contain the required level of active ingredient as opposed to some of the ineffective concoctions that are commonly sold on many, including reputable, websites.
Re: Herbal remedies: recommend a UK website where I can purchase items Udo's Oil, StJ

I've used http://www.zipvit.com/ in the past for vitamins. Found them reliable and fairly quick delivery.

They seem to sell SJW though I have never purchased this so can't really comment.

As far as I am aware Udos Oil should be kept refrigerated at all times to keep it at its best....