help with terms and conditions for website - Company name?



hi there

I am looking at setting up a website to sell some of the products I make. I plan on taking payment with Paypal, and whilst the items I am selling can't really do any harm, and it's very unlikely I can be sued etc, I am trying to add some terms and conditions to help out.

Now I KNOw this what legal people are for, but again costs are a problem. I dont' want to start a co. as this is something were I might only sell a few €ks of items a year, and is very much a part-time thing. I've gone through quite a bit of reading and added most of the usual suspects to my T&C. Again, I appreciate to make these water tight I'd need legal advice, but again what i am selling is low / no risk and also costs are key at the moment

The problem I am having is I keep refering to the site by it's domain name. So lets say "", as in " accept no responsibility for...."

I get that in most cases people just put in their company name at the start in the definitions and say something like " a registered company with offices at XXXXX" etc. Then for the rest of the T&C it is implied that refer to the main company.

However, in my case, as I am a sole trader and don't want to get into this, and would prefer not to list my name, address, TAX, VAT info etc on the web. Can anyone suggest a way around this, or is the only solution to form a company so I could say "ACME DESIGNS" where that is a registered company name

Basically I need some way of trying the domain name in to make it a bit more legal. Otherwise the T&Cs will be useless I feel as it would be almost impossible to define who was being grouped as "" when it came to the terms etc.

Any ideas of a way to tie this in, in the first line of definitions or is saying enough?
so to clarify what I mean is in most terms and conditions you see something like

[FONT=&quot]The Customer : The company or individual requesting the services of ACME DESIGNS

ACME DESIGNS: The designer, owner or employees of ACME DESIGNS of XXXXX

Is there anything I can do on this to just say something like

ACME.COM - all services and designs provided by employees, designers or owners providing the services advertised and sold by
Isn't there a recent legal requirement for all business websites to show a physical (i.e. street) address?
heard something about that alright, not sure will check into it.

anyone else any suggestions on how best to phrase the opening line of my T&Cs?
Hi All,

I was also wondering the same as the OP, should these T&C's be prepared by a solicitor or who should do them?
