Help with speed bumps


Registered User
Hi, This is most probably in the wrong forum but...

I have moved into a new house and notice that the road outside is a bit of a rat run. At the risk of being considered a bit of a kill joy is there anything we could do to try reduce the speed of the cars using it ? Some of them really do go by at some clip and I fear there will be someone (children probably) hurt on the road.

Most locations I have lived in over the years have had them on all but the main arteries and they do save lives imo. But I notice they are no where in my new locality at all despite some other neighbourhoods having hundreds - it seems to be a feast or a famine with these.

I guess my question is - where do I start?

Many thanks
The Roads Department of your local authority would be the best place to start. The contact details should be on their website