Help with search for Persons who graduated from particular course/specific year.


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Hope this is in the correct forum.
I am about to conduct some research for a Msc. I am looking to contact people from the undergraduate course for which I am doing the MSc, but who graduated in 1999.
The alumni office of the college only has contact information for a small number of those that graduated - and this is the only group the college will forward questionnaires to on my behalf.
I am wondering if there is another method to try and track them down. I have tried linkedin and facebook but you cannot be specific enough with the course and year - or so it appears to me.

Many thanks to anyone who has any innovative ideas to try and track this group down.
Is there an alumni association newsletter ? If so, an ad or letter in that would hopefully be read by enough people to get the message out there ( Having said that, I graduated 21 years ago, and once a year for 21 years now, my parents hand me a letter from the Alumni association and I bin it without opening it, but maybe some people read it).
Thanks for the suggestions, I have now just out a post on the Ed forum on Boards so hopefully get something there.
Huskerdu that is what I am afraid off when I sent the questionnaires out via the alumni office. You obviously didn't think back to when you might have needed assistance from past graduates if it arose for you.
Thanks again.