Help with icon on taskbar please?


Registered User
Unfortunately due to a certain person using my laptop and clicking random buttons I now have a new icon on my taskbar beside the clock. They originally downloaded a copy of Spywarestormer & Quake(something or other). I've managed to uninstall all of the softwear that was downloaded and installed in error, bar this pesky little icon which keeps on flashing at me and popping up a mini-window about how my computer is infected with a critical system error.

I use Zone Alarm for firewall & anti-virus protection and normally use Firefox - unfortunately none of this was hubby proof Would anybody have any suggestions about how to get the last of this junk off my computer. I'm so annoyed at this stage I could scream. In future I will purchase a large lock for my laptop!

Thanks in advance.

If you go on to and download the programme it should clear your computer completly of any spyware. Its an automatic programme that downloads other anti-spyware programmes (scroll down the homepage to see the downloads). Hitman then runs these in order to clear your computer. It's in dutch but if you hit download on the right-hand side you can then install the programme in english. Also it updates itself every time you run it so no need to worry. It works fantastic for me anyway... great programme and all free!!!
Try installing Ad-aware anti-adware/spyware program and do a quick scan. This will pinpoint any undesirable wares in your machine and delete the same. Here's their site: [broken link removed]
Sorry I meant to say I've already scanned with Adaware! Thanks for that other tip - will check it out this evening.