Help with cost/estimates for repairs - first time buyer of house.


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Hi all,

As a first time buyer it's been exceedingly hard to find anything within budget, and in a good location. I've finally found something in the best location, but needs work.

It's approximately an 80m2 house, pre-cast concrete, built in 1970s with a huuuuge garden.

Now, without knowing much about anything, we have around 45-55k to do work on this house, but the question is, what can we get done for that amount.

What we absolutely need doing is the following:

- Rewiring
- New heating system
- New bathroom

What we want to do in addition to the above is the following:

- double story extension... sort of.

The extension we want downstairs is basically about 15-18m2 on the ground floor - kitchen/dining area. Upstairs, we just want to extend one of the bedrooms, not have an entirely new room.

Q1: If we're building an extension upstairs - would we only be able to extend out to as far as the kitchen will be, or can we extend to a halfway point?

Extending out to as far as the kitchen will be would probably create too much space in the room upstairs... Does this make sense?

I guess I'm trying to figure out how much makes sense, if it makes more financial sense to go out as far as the kitchen, then I guess that's what we would do?

Q2: Alternatively, by looking at the floor plan - I've noticed we could move one of the internal walls and this would significantly increase the size of the main bedroom. Is this possible in a precast concrete house? The walls ground floor and upstairs don't line up... so I'm kind of assuming we could potentially move an internal wall.

Q3: Would our budget work for a lot of work I've mentioned, what's the best bang for our buck?

Sorry for the brain dump, I'm just trying to understand what is the smartest option to go with right now...

Thanks so much in advance!