Help with claiming tax relief on lump sum contributions for previous year


Registered User
I'm hoping ye folks can help me. I made a lump sum contribution to my PRSA pension earlier this year 2024 for last year 2023.
I normally pay into my pension weekly via payroll. It's not a company pension, it's my own PRSA pension I started myself and have it paid via payroll.
I believe I need to claim the tax relief by 31st Oct 2024 and a few weeks extra if doing so online.

I have the contribution certificate from the pension provider and wish to upload it to MY Account as I'm PAYE to claim my tax relief. However, while searching how to do this, I came upon the below post which states:
"If you make a once-off lump sum, you would complete a tax return after the end of the relevant tax year.

You have until end October 2013 to make a lump sum AVC PRSA contribution in respect of 2012 tax year, provided that you also file your tax return for 2012 before the end of October 2012. If you're filing your tax return online using you get an extension of a couple of weeks."

What does this statement mean when it says you can claim tax relief on the year before contribution provided you also file your tax return for 2012 before the end of Oct 2012?

I'm not sure if I filed a tax return for 2023 in my case, I'm PAYE and never filed a tax return any yr I believe, I never had reason to, I don't claim for anything like doctor receipts etc as I don't have any generally. Does it not get filed automatically by Revenue if I had no need to file for anything myself? I thought I could just claim the tax relief with no conditions, but this bit about "provided I filed the tax return for 2023 by end of Oct 2023 is confusing me. Does this mean I can't claim the tax relief on my previous year contribution now?

Hoping someone here can clarify
Just upload the details to your Revenue myAccount and/or log a myEnquiries ticket with the relevant info before October 31st. You shouldn't need to do anything else. When you're PAYE and your tax credits and other tax issues remain basically constant then you don't really need to be explicitly filing tax returns each year. You might just need to tweak things online when claiming relief like this or for medical expenses etc.
You need to file a tax return or you won't get the money back.

The reference to filing a 2012 tax return in October 2012 is presumably an unfortunate typo as it's a logical impossibility to file a tax return before the year is over. You need to file for 2023 before the end of October 2024 to make the claim.
You need to file a tax return or you won't get the money back.
Isn't updating one's PAYE tax record on myAccount for a particular year effectively filing a return?
My recollection is that when you go through the process/"wizard" you end up signing it and submitting it as a return even if it's just an update on one or more specific issues - e.g. claiming additional credits, claiming relief on medical expenses or pension contributions etc.
So uploading the details for the year in question would tick that box?
Isn't updating one's PAYE tax record on myAccount for a particular year effectively filing a return?
My recollection is that when you go through the process/"wizard" you end up signing it and submitting it as a return even if it's just an update on one or more specific issues - e.g. claiming additional credits, claiming relief on medical expenses or pension contributions etc.
So uploading the details for the year in question would tick that box?
I think we're probably talking about the same thing. Editing your details for a past year is submitting a return. It's not filling out a form 11.
Thanks very much for the replies, and the link to Revenue's guide. I just followed the guide and tried to do it now.
So I followed the guide right to the stage where I input my details but I'm not sure what to put in some of the questions. The 7 question below basically:

1 - Basically, my pension is a PRSA type, the contributions are deducted at source via my payroll weekly except for this one off contribution I made in 2024 for the last year 2023. So, I believe I choose the option "PRSA 1 Certificate" instead of "PRSA 1 (Net Pay) Certificate as this one off contribution wasn't done through my payroll, hence me trying to claim the tax relief now. Am I choosing the correct option here?

2 - "Net Relevant Earnings" What do I put in here? My total Net pay of my salary? I know my gross, do I have to calculate out my Net total?

3 - "Are you a member of a pre approved pension scheme" "Yes or No" option. Which am I? I assume I am as my pension is already set up via my payroll, is that what they mean?

4 - "Amount paid to PRSA in 2023 on which relief has not already been granted" Is this where I put in my figure for the contribution I paid in 2024 for the year of 2023 of which I am trying to claim the relief upon? Technically I didn't pay this in 2023, I paid it in 2024 for 2023, is this what they mean?

5 - "Amount of PRSA contributions already received under the net pay arrangement in 2023" I only started my pension in 2024 so I'll just put Zero here, yeah?

6 - "Amount carried forward from a prior year, from which relief has not been obtained". Am I correct to leave this blank, this isn't related to my contribution made if 2024 for the year 2023, is it?

7 - "Amount paid between 1/1/2024 and 31/10/2024 for which relief has not already been granted and for which relief is being claimed for 2023

8 - "Allowable PRSA relief" What do I put in this box?

I'd appreciate if someone could help me to fill in these 7 questions.

I picked "Prsa 1 certificate".

I put my gross salary into net relevant earnings.

I then answered the remaining fields as in the pic attached, and when I try to Add or submit it I get the error in the pic saying "I am not entitled to this relief".

I am trying to claim relief on a contribution of €10000 which is 25% of my gross, the max contribution based on my age.
"Allowable PRSA Relief" Why is it putting the 10,000 into this field and not calculating the relief on the 10000.

What am I doing wrong?