Help! Unpaid maintenance fees


Registered User
Hi All,

I'm hoping someone might be able to help me out here.
I sold my duplex last April (2008), and assumed that my solicitor had made sure there were no outstanding amounts due on the property. At the time, they had advised me of a figure that was outstanding for maintenance fees, which we paid before closing. Last week I received an email from my solicitor to advise that, due to some mis-communication between them and the management company, I still owe over eur500 in fees.

I am just wondering where I stand on this. Do I have an obligation to pay these, when I have only been made aware of them 1 year later? I would normally just pay the money and forget about it, but my husband has lost his job, and I have taken a pay cut, so we really dont have this sort of money to give them.

Any advice appreciated!!!!
Well it seems that the managment company gave a figure, it was incorrect and there is still a sum due by you. You could opt not to pay it - although, if on investigation, it is found to be due, you have no legal grounds to challenge it, - and they will sue to recover it.

Thanks mf1, yeah I have pretty much come to the conclusion that I will have to pay it. I'm just annoyed that it has only come to light now. When we sold our house, we made a few thousand euro, and would have been able to pay it then had we known, but now we are struggling to make ends meet and the small sum of eur500 seems a huge amount of money to fork out, because some eejit couldn't do their sums properly!

That is unfortunate situation to be in but I agree with the others, you'll most likely have to pay. However, they might be willing to work out a payment structure over a few months, since the mistake was theirs, if you explain that your circumstances have changed.

Best of luck,
Thanks for your replies everyone! I will have to pay up, but at least I don't feel like i'm being a total mug, or being ripped off (I have a theory that in these recessionary times, everyone and their mother seem to be after you with bills that you didn't realise you even had!!)