Help to create safety statement for carpenter


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My dp is a self employed carpenter. The health & safety officer was around today with him and told him that he must prepare a safety statement by the next visit (4wks away)! Does anyone know where i could get a draft copy of one, i have looked at their website but there is so much information about why you need one etc but no actual wording to help me along,

Re: Help to creat Safety Statement for Carpenter

You have two choices- you can consult a professional company which prepares H & S statements who will draft one tailored to your specific job and site or you can do it the hard way and draft one yourself. For option 2 you really need some basic training, they're are a number of 3 day courses on offer to businesses to allow them to draft their own satements. Unless you have the time and interest to do this (and for 1 one-off statement it's not really worth the work) I'd recommend you consult a professional and have it done for you. Of course any safety statement is really only any good if its relevant and read by the concerned party. There are lots of good resources available on the net concerning the relevant legislation and guidance for safe working. The British Health and Safety Executive's website is particularly good. A H&S statement must be site specific so expect to be asked to tailor it to suit the job from time to time.
Re: Help to creat Safety Statement for Carpenter

Sometimes his insurer can issue him with a standard one for a small extra fee. You can then personalise it a bit for his specific needs. I am assuming public liabilty insurance is in place.

Merriam-Webster Online dictionary offers:


2 entries found for dp.
To select an entry, click on it.​

Main Entry: 1. DP

Pronunciation: "dE-'pE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural DP's or DPs
1 : a displaced person​

Main Entry: 2. DP
Function: abbreviation
1 data processing
2 degree of polymerization
3 dew point
4 director of photography
5 doctor of podiatry

I dont know what the abbreviation means but "dp" and "ds" appear in and

Got it! from [broken link removed] dp = dancing partner.

ds is dear son, dd is dear daughter, mil is mother in law.

I wonder do you need a safety statement for dancing partners?
To get back on topic, would the Construction Industry Federation have a sample/draft copy you could adapt for your own use?
Thansk for all your replies, i will check out the CIF and see if they have any info. As for "dp", it is darling partner, sorry but used to posting on a lot using that abbreviation!!
The CIF have a CD rom you can buy, you give it the key data and it will generate it for you.

Alternatively you can use an on-line service like
Its more work this way but allows you to tailor it more for each particular job.

Personally I would say the CIF cd rom will do fine.
Thanks very much Fintan for your help, will look up the CD rom right now, thanks again.