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Yesterday my computer put up a message that my computer is infected with spyware. i ran AVG and Adaware - got 48 critical objects in spyware and 8 virus infections listed - the PC was clean on Friday when I had done this. After running the relevant programmes they are now saying they can detect nothing. i am still getting the message from my taskbar that the computer is infected and on my desktop there is a large black square with a Spyare Infection message in red writing. I can't read exactly what it says as the desktop icons are blocking out lots of the message. The task bar is telling me to download by clicking "here" to protect my computer. Any suggestions anyone?
Sounds like some of the nasties are managing to stay installed (e.g. retain their run at startup registry setting) even after being ostensibly removed. You should try a few other virus checkers (although only configure one for live scanning so that they don't clash) and adware and other nasty checkers. See [broken link removed] and this thread for more advice.
Would you recommend clicking on the taskbar to get the "most uptodate antispyware" The message on the task bar is saying that Windows has detected the spyware infection. thanks for the help.
I would not recommend clicking on any link that you are not 100% sure is not nefarious. Do you know what application is popping this up?
I have seen that infection, the black background with red writing is the desktop background actually , the infection also includes a root kit and scads of hidden bits .

You basically cannot clean that PC, you must scrub it after you back the important data up to CD Rom.
Thanks for the help to date. The internet connection went down completely on me this afternoon and I have just got back up again now by disconnecting and reconnecting everything. Etel, is it hard to scrub everything- basically I am a total innocent as regards computer and don't even know where to start. The data you talk about saving is this just my own stuff or does it include computer settings etc.
I presume that etel means saving any personal data files and reinstalling the operating system and applications from scratch. I would consider this a last resort and would certainly persist in looking for ways of rectifying the current situation and disinfecting the PC of whatever nasties are installed first. Also - if it does come to a reinstall then you'll need to make sure that any files backed up don't simply reinfect the reinstalled PC when you restore them. You probably should get advice from somebody with a bit more technical know-how to be honest if the situation is looking dodgy right now and you don't know enough about these things yourself to sort it out. I've heard advertised on Newstalk claiming that they give a free house call and tell you what needs to be done and how much it would cost in case that's of any use?
clubman: i have to give you a big thanks. after installing avg last week ( I am fullly paid up to norton buts thats another story) i was getting bucket loads of spyware which avg /lavasoft were detecting but it was only when I downloaded a free version of the kerio personal firewall 4 that the sh*t stopped comingin. its only free for 30 day trial but I think that if I dont subscribe Ican keep the free version - ( no updates or tech support) for next year anyway. so thanks again,
Great to hear that you got some benefit from advice posted here. For what it's worth there are several free (totally or for home/personal use) firewalls that are as good as commercial alternatives. See [broken link removed] for some recommendations.

Update - oops! I see that Kerio is one of the firewalls recommended in Gizmo's list! That list and rest of the website and the free newsletter that he sents is an excellent resource and I would recommend it to everybody. I'm a big fan of it now.
Bingo! Thanks to the links you posted Clubman I have (seemingly) managed to rid the PC of the spyware. I downloaded the Microsoft antispyware which picked up a lot but didn't get rid of the offending black box on the desktop. I then took the free trial of Webroot Sweeper and chose the option which deep scanned every part of the computer including the roots etc. This appears to have sorted the problem out i.e the black box is now gone and none of my protective software is indicating a problem anymore. Thanks for the help and maybe my experience may be of help to someone else along the way.
Good. Make sure that you run a firewall (I used ZoneAlarm Free Edition), virus checker (I use AVG) and some spyware/adware checkers (I use MS AntiSpyware, Ad-Aware, Spybot Search&Destroy and a few others from time to time) and make sure to keep them all updated and properly configured and that will go a long way towards avoiding further infections. Also make sure to keep Windows updated (Windows Update).
As you were replying to me I was in the process of downloading the Kerio Personal firewall so hopefully this will work. Another quick query - i now have the windows anti spyware and the webroot one. Should I only program one of these to run automatically and switch the other on myself. Or do I program them to run automatically at different times. Sorry for what is probably to you a ridiculous question
In general you should only have one virus checker doing live/on access scanning and schedule them for automated scans at different times as they can clash. However some people have reported no problems with having more than one active in this way simultaneously. I'm not so au fait with the compatibility of different spyware etc. checkers running at the same time. Note however that not all do live scanning and rely on manual scans to do their job. Best thing to do, if in doubt, is read up on them and search for user experiences with them (individually or collectively). I must do this myself some time!
glad something worked for you , I woulda scrubbed anyway by then in case I had a keylogger and root kit .

yes you can run norton 2005 and avg free antivirus 7 together as I do.

yes you can run ms anti spyware and spybot sd 1.4 and javacool spywareblaster together as I do
Thanks Clubman and I promise not to get tetchy with your replies ever again!! (At least not until I have worked up enough Brownie points to get in on Letting Off Steam)
Good stuff Clubman. Just wait until I have enough posts for Letting Off Steam and I'll be sure to let it RIP!!!