Help please!!!


Registered User
Hi Folks,

I've just been looking through previous posts and was hoping to get some help.

I was offered by apartment through the Affordable Housing scheme and bought through the Shared Ownership scheme.

I am in the process of buying them out at the moment. Can anyone help me out with the clawback figures?

The market value at the time of signing was €340,000. We were offered the property at a reduced value of €215,000. Somehow DCC calculated the clawback at 48% (!).

AH cost €215,000 of which DCC gave us a mortgage of €107,500 and the rental half €107,500.
I current market value stands at €200,000.

How do I calculate the clawback % if it's an AH and I bought through the shared ownership?
Thanks cerbera1,

Ok. So in this case I will pay them back €200,000. Is this minus any mortage re-payments that have already been made?
Great. Thanks for your help. I had a feeling this might have been the case, however, it's always good to get a second opinion.