Hey all. Any advice welcome. About 4 years ago I took out a mortgage for a new house. Couldnt afford it myself at the time so had to take my father on board. Made the mistake of not having him as a guarantor but as an actual ownership party (his name is on the deeds). Now I have gotten married and want to remove him form the mortgage. Can anyone help me with these questions:
1. If I die, does my father or my wife own the house?
2. If my father dies, will my mum (his wife) have a charge to the house?
3. If I remove his name from the deeds, will my wife automatically be co owner even though only my name will be on the deeds.
4. Will I have to use the original mortgage solicitor to remove father from deeds? Telling me it will cost c. 2.5 K!!!!
Any help would be most appreciated!!