Help needed please.....

"Can he force me to sell?"


"If so what can i do in order to stop/delay him? "

Buy him out. And since you can't do that, perhaps a good kicking, screaming, tantrum?

Seriously, if you cannot afford to buy him out and he wants to sell, he can compel you. So, rather than wasting time, effort and money ( especially on legal fees), you could reach agreement on when to sell and how to divide the proceeds.

I do not recommend that you bury your head in the sand and refuse to consider the prospect - in the current climate you may not even be able to sell but if you can, it may ( or may not) be at a better price than in a year, or two years..........

As stated by the other poster, yes, he can force you to sell. If you refuse it will end up being a forced sale (where he brings you to court and a judge rules the apartment must be sold0. If you both agree not to see then get an agreement drawn up by a solicitor which states that you both will keep the arrangment you have in place for x number of years.
I would imagine that this will involve you paying him rent.

Whatever you do, any agreement you both make, get to a solicitor and get it in writing.
Myself and ex agreed not to sell our house in the current climate but before I could get him to a solicitor he decided to move away to be nearer his new squeeze and we are in the process of selling and losing a LOT of money we had put into the house (about 60k altogether, 25k of which his parents gifted us. They are not impressed with him )
Ok so here goes,

The apartment is in both our names, he paid for his share out-right and i have a mortgage on mine. I rent out the spare room, ex gets half of this rent.

Assuming he is no longer living in the apartment and you still are, and you both own half, then this arrangement doesn't sound right - he's losing out every month.

He owns half the apartment, is getting half the rental income, same as you, but you're also living there (regardless of your mortgage) - basically you should be paying a half share of rent to him - or the entire spare room rent should go to him.

Or have I missed something?
basically you should be paying a half share of rent to him - or the entire spare room rent should go to him.

Assuming she is living there, you sound right to me. He is also less lightly to want to sell, if he is getting a good return on his investment.