HELP!!!! Laptop Problem


Registered User
Hi! I have a laptop. which will be out of warranty at Christmas.

The problem is I have a straight line coming down my screen, I sent it back to be fixed about two weeks ago & they put a new screen in it, but the problem came back today, what should I do about this??? I am ringing them in the morning, but will they fix it or say they cant do anything cause they already fixed it???

No need to`s still under warranty and will have to be repaired free of question about it.
Tanx 4 ur help!! would I be entitled to look for a replacement laptop or will they just fix it again!!!!

Whats the model of the laptop. That doesn't sound like the screen but a graphics card/chipset problem. I'm going to guess it has a nvidia chipset and might be a dell?
Good sold have to be fit for purpose (Sale of good and supply of services act). Clearly this machine is not. Does anyone think the OP is entitled to his/her money back?

What people think has nothing to do with it.

The shop is entitled to fix a faulty product, before offering a refund. How many times they can fix it (or attempt unsuccessful fixes) before they should offer a refund is a another issue.

So far they've only had one attempt.