Help!!! Broadband Probs



I have been trying to get my eircom bb installed now for almost 4 weeks.My comp didnt have the right connections for the ethernet so eircom then sent me a wireless usb card ,i had probs installing this and needed to reinstall win98,after a lot of hair pulling it finally installed (i think) i have an icon that says (netopia 3 d reach utility) when i double click this says im connected but i still cant view webpages i get the dreaded ''cannot find server'' eircom have said it must be a firewall but i have everything disabled?I'm sure at this stage the tech's draw straws as to who will answer my calls ..I'm not too good around comps but any help would be really great ..Thanks

this is exactly the same set up as I have on one of my pcs - so the good news is that is does work. Very important to install the usb wireless card software before attaching the USB wireless card. I found this out the hard way.......

is the dsl light ( green) steady on your netopia router?