HELP! Advice Re; Renovation of Bathroom for Elderly Disabled Person


jean dennehy

Hope someone can give Advice .At my wits-end,have been trying for the past eight months, to renovate Bathroom for elderly disabled relative.
Find it impossible to get reliable,Tradesmen with C2
Have had numerous,Builders,Plumbers,tilers,electricians,come to price the job,but as soon as I ask if they have a C2 number---
They are too busy
Job too small
quotations are very very high.
Amazingly most of them would be available if the job was a" nixers".
As we have applied for a Grant, and await the decision on same we need the tradesmen to be registered for C2.
I have the finance in place, the equipment selected,unfortunately,no workpersons to do the work.
Any ideas??
Hi Jean - Sorry to hear of your problems. If you let us know where abouts you are based, some of our readers may be able to recommend reputable local builders.

I wonder if some of the trade organisations such as CIF or local disability groups or even the local council who administer the grant might be able to help.
PM me and I'll get you the name of the guy who did such a job for my mother. He's not cheap but he does a good job and has done other such jobs in the area.

For my mother they built a new bathroom in the garage with a connecting door from the hall. The tradesmen were Eastern European and their standards of professionalism and respect for my mother would put most others to shame. The one cause of significant schedule slippage was from an Irish tradesman.

This project was covered by a grant from Dublin City Council.

FWIW we asked him to quote on a different building project and his quote was too high to be considered seriously.