hedge on balcony


Registered User
Hi guys
I am looking for advice on planting a small hedge for privacy, in window boxes along my balcony. The distance is about 1.5 - 2 metres and the height should be around 2ft.
I am looking for a fast growing, dense hedge that can be pruned quite square. if anybody has any suggestions on a type of hedge, where I might get such a hedge and how I might go about planting and looking after such a hedge I would be very grateful. Any other advice on other plants suitable for a small balcony would be very much appreciated.

regards and thanks in advance
Hi freddiev,

Welcome to AAM.

We have quite a few recommendations over some time now for www.futureforests.net in these previous AAM threads. If you give them a call they might be able to provide some help/advice.

P.S. I've no connection with Future Forests.