Heavy Metal is good for your brainy kids....

Betsy Og

Registered User
See article http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/03/21/nmetal21.xml &/or http://observer.guardian.co.uk/review/story/0,,2042119,00.html

As a fan used to relentless negativity this is some respite - nowithstanding that the article seems to infer that many fans need it as a release from the stress of being different.

For unbelievers I'll admit theres plenty of unreconstructed noise - with the odd satanic sounding grunt thrown in for good measure - but there also some darn good music.

Go on then, get your air guitar out !!!!!
I kept telling my parents that when I was growing up but they never believed me - now I have proof!!
I was the same - my favorite for a time was ManoWar but none can beat Maiden
Heathen, it will always be manowar. "Forever carry on." was played off the turntable in my house.

Or helloween... ah, yes...who remembers the keeper of the seven keys, bring back the concept album I say.
A few years back some scientists tried to ascertain whether plants grew better if you talked or played music to them. It appears that plants prefer heavy metal too!