Heating solutions


New Member
Hi all,I'm looking at buying a small bunglow,the only heating at the moment are the old storage heaters,what would people recommend.Total floor area is 57.716s.qm,would LG heating be an option
Tks for reply,there is no natural gas available.Would be starting from scratch,boiler ,tank,and rads.Will be just a 1 bed,have a tight enough budget to do works.At the moment it's just a couple of rooms with fireplaces,would pellet stoves be a better option.
If this is your forever house you need to think long term.
Long term we are all moving to heat pumps. Installing a heat pump is expensive, (in your case with no existing plumbing or radiators probably ~20K) but there is a grant for 6,500. If you install Gas or Oil, you will still have the expense of plumbing in new radiators so it will still be expensive but there won't be any grant. When you take the grant into account it may very well be that the cost of a Heat Pump is similar to installing gas or Oil, but the Heat Pump will be much cheaper to run.

But to get the Heat Pump grant, you have to have a Heat Loss of 2 or less, which might mean you need to insulate walls, roofs new windows etc. The additional cost of upgrading your home might put you off getting the heat pump. If that is the case and you choose Oil or Gas, I strongly advise you to (again thinking long term) plumb the system so that you can swap in a heat pump later. So all the main pipe runs should be plumbed with 32mm pipes, and all the radiators should be sized for a low (40C) flow temperature i.e. large rads and the hot water cylinder should be compatible with a low flow temp heat pump. These small upgrades will add a few hundred to the cost of putting in oil/gas but they will save you thousands if/when you switch to a heat pump.

There is another alternative, which should work well if the house is open concept and that is an air to air heat pump (aka air conditioning). These are much cheaper to install vs air to water system. No pipework, no radiators. There is also a grant of ~3K. And (I may be wrong here) I don't think you need to hit the heat loss target of 2 for them either.
Agree 100% with AJAM - for 57m2, I'd be going air-to-air heat pump myself. Heating in the winter, cooling in the summer, what's not to like. Spend some of your budget on basic insulation/airtightness measures - a few hundred euro for an extra layer of rockwool/fibre in the attic, replacing window seals, that kinda thing.