Heating pressure dropping


Registered User

I have relatively new fired central heating in my house.

From the beginning it was lost pressure all the time. I have read up and it looks like I have a small leak somewhere however some of the pipes are buried so I assume it would be very difficult to track down.

I did try some of the leak sealer from B&Q and that seemed to work for a few months but
bur recently its started dropping again. Maybe because the boiler is on more at the moment.

Has anybody got suggestions to what I can do?

Have you checked with the installer? They should have been the first option.

There are specialists who can detect leaks, even underground.
Is there a pressure vessel and it is adequately charged with air pressure? You may not actually be losing very much water to see a drop in pressure.
The installer has gone missing :(

I believe the pressure vessel is charged. My gut feeling that there is a small leak as you suggested as
the leak stuff fixed it for a while and now its dropping again. Maybe I will try another brand of leak sealer.
Unfortunately I think the leak sealers will just do another temporary job and you'll keep coming back to this. Perhaps you can live with that though. Keep an eye on the pressure gauge over time and look out for developing damp patches.
FWIW we have a similar problem and our local plumber has recommended using a Infra-red camera to see where the leak-spots would be as cheaper than digging up the entire ground floor...