Heating just 1 room at home


Registered User
I work from home some days and use one of the rooms as a home office. We have oil-fired central heating. To heat just the office, I currently turn off all of the radiators in the rest of the house and just leave on the office one. The timer then turns on the heating on for about half an hour a couple of times during the day (3 or 4 times depending on how cold it is).

Even though I am only heating 1 room, is this a costly way of heating the room? Can anyone tell me if an oil-filled electric radiator would be more economical?

Well heating one room should be significantly cheaper than heating the whole house especially if the heat isn't just escaping to the rest of the house.

Difficult to compare the OFCH v electric radiator scenarios. Measuring the latter is easy - just take a meter reading at the start and end of the working day without and then with the radiator to get an idea of the number of units used (which will also depend on the ambient temperature/weather). However estimating the cost of the OFCH option may be more difficult unless there is some easy way to measure fuel usage over a period of time? And it will depend on the efficiency of your burner, rads etc.
I'm in a similar situation. I bought a small Dimplex Eco Chico 750 w (Woodies €60). It does the trick nicely and isn't too dear to run as it's about half the output of a two bar heater. Only thing I'd say is the room I use is small, so this works for me. To have the Gas heating on means also heating the water, leastways mine does.
I sometimes work far into the night when deadlines loom.

I cannot turn on the house heating a people would not be able to sleep.

I have an air blower electric heater with an intermittent function which is cheap to run.
Cheapest electric heater are the halogen lamp ones... they warm you directly rather than the general air... around 15-17 euro for a three lamp one. Keep in mind though gas is about three times cheaper than electricity per kw of heat delivered as per the SEI website.
Thanks for the replies. The room is only about 10ft x 8ft and I keep the door closed so that the heat doesn't escape. I will try one of the oil filled rads.. They aren't too expensive, so it's not a big outlay.
