Heat pumps & solar panels


Registered User
I am currently building a house in co carlow it is 2,500 square foot and garage is 600 square foot. I am thiking of putting in one of those heat pumps or solar panels. i have read all about the grants.
Has anyone got one? Are they any good? Do they use much electricity? i know you need UFH how much extra would UFH cost compared to just plumbing for rads (including materials?)

Welcome to AAM.

If you run the search function you will find many previous AAM threads on heat pumps and solar panels. Can't provide same myself as we are in the middle of a server upgrade.

Best of luck with the new house.
To cover an energy demand you have to know what this demand is. Like buying shoes, you have to find out what size you need.
So how high is your new house' energy demand?
Without that figure most likely all answers to your question will be like casting dices.