Healthy Dinner Suggestions


Registered User
Time to get healthy but do not want to be starving after eating it...

Anyone got any suggestions for Dinner for 2 the healthy options after working all day yawn........

Sick of looking at the TV telling me that I am to fat and need to stay healthy!!!

Doing the gym bit but have to also maintain decent diet

Anyone ?
Cars noodles and tuna steaks. (tm)

2 Tuna steaks from tesco. Drizzle with olive oil rub some salt and peeper in. 6 minutes on the george foreman or fry for same.
Boil a pot of water, take pot off the heat and put in 2 portions of noodles. leave to soak for 4 minutes.
Stir fry an onion and 3 cloves garlic for 2 minutes in a wok. When nearly finished, drain the noodles and toss into the wok, stir fry with the onion and garlic for 60 secs. Squeeze a lime into the wok as well as a dash of soy sauce. Straight to the plate placing the tuna on top.
Whole thing should take no more then 15 minutes. mmmm
Wholewheat pasta with olive oil and parmasen cheese....really quick to prepare and good for you. You could also add some salmon or cooked chicken.

You could also make a batch of stuff at the weekend shepards pie, vegetarian lasanage etc and freeze portions for the week...

A steamer is a great addition to any kitchen. You can throw on your veg and its done its done in 10 mins. You could steam a bit of fish (although can stink the place a bit) or a small chicken breast.

Stir fries are also good....just chop up your desired veg and stir fry in a wok....add think strips of lamb or chicken

Roast vegtables is one of my favourites:
Chop up carrots, potatoes, parsnips, sweet potatoes, potatoes and red onion.
Put some olive oil in a roasting tin and heat the oil for 10 mins.
Add the veggies and leave for 30 mins.
Take from the oven and add a good dash of balsamic viniger(sp?) and some goats cheese or some feta crumbled on top.
Leave for another 10-20 mins depending on the size of the veggies....

you could also try here

and here
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