Health Service Exectuive (HSE)

Captin Sobel

Registered User
Why are there no posts about the HSE getting so much bad publicity every day on the news?

Is it just that we are sick of hearing about it and are resigned to the fact that there is nothing that we can do to improve it.

It always seems like Mary Harney is like a mother standing out at the front gate defending her bold children to the neighbours, when she defends the HSE decisions, she has got to be getting tired of all the bad publicity ...

How would you find out who the HSE senior management actually are? And why their default stance is to hide behind Harneys skirt, as it only appears to continue to turn public opinion further against them.

Does anyone know how they run their procurements, since latest award couldn't be more controversial if it tried to be?

Not every issue is related to the restructuring of the Health Boards at this stage it can't be.

what does anyone else think? Do they deserve this bad publicity?
they way harney and drumm are runing things now it does deserve it, it's not the people on the ground causing it 90% of it is due to "senior management"
they way harney and drumm are runing things now it does deserve it, it's not the people on the ground causing it 90% of it is due to "senior management"

How did you come up with that figure of 90%? Did you do an analysis?
How would you find out who the HSE senior management actually are?

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Does anyone know how they run their procurements, since latest award couldn't be more controversial if it tried to be?

In line with public procurement guidelines I would imagine..

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