The Vhi 360 Health Check gives you an overview of your health and can identify risk factors which may cause potential health issues for you in the future.
I checked the VHI Executive Screening.
Blood tests are very similar to what my doctor. done.
Other than that some basic tests and an ECG.
I would expect the doctor would organise the ECG as its a simple test and they probably have the equipment,
The individual consultation will focus on Diet and Exercise and probably stress / headspace.
The 3 things that get most of the population are:1
Cancer of some sort
Blood circulation related issues, strokes, clots, heart attacks etc.
Cognitive issues such as Alzheimer's
You are probably hoping the tests will pick up one of these 3 if it is likely to be an issue.
A good diet, plenty of exercise and keeping moving, a social life for your headspace, and not to much alcohol
Statins have reduced much of the risk with circularity issues.
When I read back on this it is fairly depressing, my doctor told me at 50, if you make it to 60, you are home and dry.
When I reached 60, different story now.