Health Insurance Health Insurance while travelling


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I am planning on going travelling for a few months which is going to require me to leave my job and all the benefits that come with that (i.e. health insurance). I would like to keep my health insurance running while I'm away to avoid the whole waiting period (for any new illness) if anything was to happen to me.

I am looking through but I am bit confused with all the plans never mind should I go for Health Insurance, Cash Plan or Out Patient Only.

I would have liked to have a pay monthly plan but it seems I can only get a 12 month cover if I'm not mistaken?

I'm 30 with no depends so I'm looking for a cheap and cheerful plan. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Can you ask your employer to keep the policy till it expires and pay them the difference to cover the year ?
Where are you intending to travel to? You need cover for that. America is one country you do not want to be in without top insurance.