Health Insurance v No Health Insurance


Registered User
I read an interesting article on a national paper recently. The article said that there are few benefits to having health insurance in Ireland and that those benefits are more than outweighed by the cost of Health Insurance.

I recall the government/Mary Harney promising that no person would have to wait for hospital treatment. I can't recall exactly her utterances but I think I remeber some patient charter etc.

I would be interested in knowing what peoples opinions are regarding the Health Insurance and do they feel that the coverage is worth the increasing cost.

I take everything this government says with a large dose of salt so I would be really grateful to hear ordinary and professional peoples opinions on this matter. I think our governmant are at best incompetent or at worst highly dangerous.
I read an interesting article on a national paper recently. The article said that there are few benefits to having health insurance in Ireland and that those benefits are more than outweighed by the cost of Health Insurance.

Did it mention the numerous patients with heart conditions who have died while on public waiting lists awaiting treatment?

Did it mention the children whose orthidontic treatment has been delayed for years while they make their way up the same lists?
I am giving serious thought to cancelling my health insurance, but I have this nagging thought that this would be a mistake so at the moment I’m split.
Currently, the single biggest reason for health insurance in Ireland is to skip the queue for a consultant or an operation. This makes this a very sick society ( another days discussion), but thats the way of it at the moment.

If, and when, the new consultant deal means that public waiting lists come down, and public and private waiting lists are more equalised, then the need of private health insurance will come down, and many people will cancel this.

If this happens, and I hope it will, it will take a few years and should be a good thing for Irish society.

Currently, though, I am not cancelling yet.
I seem to recall a case that was highlighted on the Joe Duffy show where a lady developed inoperable bowel cancer. The main reason for this was the massive delay in getting to see a consultant and having the required invesitigation and so the cancer wasn't caught in time.

I think the other thing health insurance gives is choice.
A family member of mine was diagnosed with cancer almost 10 years ago. The nearest hospital only offered invasive surgery, but because he had HI he went for a 2nd & subsequently 3rd opinion and eventually received cutting edge treatment in Galway which irradicated the cancer without the need for the invasive operation. Until that sort of flexibility of choice is available on the public health system I'll continue to pay for health insurance.
That was Susie Long who died in October 2007. She waited 7 months for a colonoscopy as compared to a private patient who had one within days. This article from the Indo gives the background.

Personally I'm keeping my private health insurance, but considering reducing the level of cover. If cover is discontinued and then I change my mind I will have to wait for 5 years before any pre-existing illness is covered. I have a problem which I hope will be sorted long before then, but just in case it's not I think it's safer to maintain some level of private cover.